July 5, 2022 NEW Limited Submissions Programs and Strategic Grants
Dear Faculty,
Happy summer! Here are the Top-of-the-Month limited submissions and strategic grants highlights for July. All three limited submissions are NSF grants that support students and have rapidly approaching deadlines; in particular, the NSF NRT has an internal deadline on July 29th. Up-to-date information is also available anytime on our (for limited submissions) and via our 91ÁÔÆæ Strategic Grants list within — 91ÁÔÆæ’s go-to tool for finding funding. Past “top-of-the month” communications and our monthly AVP for Research email can be found on the Office of Research website under Communications.
Julia Gaudinski Director, Research Development
Newly Released Limited Submissions & Upcoming Deadlines
NSF 21-536 Track 1: $3M | Track 2: $2M Internal 91ÁÔÆæ Deadline: July 29, 2022 | Sponsor Deadline: September 6, 2023 The NRT program addresses workforce development, emphasizing broad participation, and institutional capacity building needs in graduate education. The program encourages proposals that involve strategic collaborations with the private sector, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), government agencies, national laboratories, field stations, teaching and learning centers, informal science centers, and academic partners. Collaborations between NRT proposals and existing NSF INCLUDES projects should strengthen both NRT and INCLUDES projects.
NSF 22-602: $3M-$7M Internal Submission Deadline: August 19, 2022 | Sponsor's Letter of Intent Deadline (required): November 14, 2022 | Deadline: December 15, 2022 This solicitation invites proposals with distinct objectives and goals to the HSI-Net: 1) HSI Program Center for Community Coordination (HSI-CCC); 2) HSI Center for Evaluation, Research and Synthesis (HSI-CERS); and 3)HSI Program Resource Hubs (HSI-Hubs). Please Note: CSU STEM-Net Direct Frank Gomez (fgomez@calstate.edu) is exploring the submission of a multi-campus HSI-Hub proposal. Please contact him if interested in joining that effort.
NSF 22-527: ≤ $250K Internal 91ÁÔÆæ Deadline: August 19, 2022 | Sponsor Deadline: February 20, 2023 Ultimately, the S-STEM program seeks to increase the number of low-income students who graduate with a S-STEM eligible degree and contribute to the American innovation economy with their STEM knowledge. Recognizing that financial aid alone cannot increase retention and graduation in STEM, the program provides awards to institutions of higher education (IHEs) not only to fund scholarships, but also to adapt, implement, and study evidence-based curricular and co-curricular[1] activities that have been shown to be effective supporting recruitment, retention, transfer (if appropriate), student success, academic/career pathways, and graduation in STEM.
New Strategic Grant Highlights
NSF 22-092: ≤ $50K (Supplemental Funding) Deadline: July 8, 2022The National Science Foundation, in conjunction with Amazon Web Services (AWS), IBM, and Microsoft Quantum, is coordinating the availability of cloud-based access to quantum-computing platforms in order to advance research and build capacity in the academic setting. NSF's supplemental funding will include support for graduate students as well as fees to work on these hardware and software quantum platforms.
NSF 22-095: ≤ $100K (supplemental funding) Deadline: July 11, 2022 NSF invites supplemental funding requests in the following areas related to spectrum workforce development.
Funding Estimate: $3M-$10M: Thursday, July 14, 2022; 1:00-3:00 p.m. ET | Deadline: August 30, 2022 provides the opportunity for university teams to exercise technical and organizational leadership in proposing unique technical challenges in aeronautics, defining multi-disciplinary solutions, establishing peer review mechanisms, and applying innovative teaming strategies to strengthen the research impact. (There are seven ULI topic areas in Appendix D.4.)
≤ $1M Deadline: July 25, 2022 In awarding the research grants, the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) intends to provide national leadership in expanding knowledge and understanding of (1) developmental and school readiness outcomes for infants and toddlers with or at risk for a disability, (2) education outcomes for all learners from early childhood education through postsecondary and adult education, and (3) employment and wage outcomes when relevant (such as for those engaged in career and technical, postsecondary, or adult education).
Variable Funding Deadline: July 29, 2022 The primary priority is the planning and implementation of forest health projects that promote wildfire recovery and forest resilience and support the goals of California’s Wildfire and Forest Resilience Action Plan and the Sierra Nevada Conservancy Watershed Improvement Program. Eligibility Note: Projects must be located within or provide services to the Sierra Nevada Region. If you are interested, please contact the Research Development (RD) team for assistance in determining eligibility and to receive assistance in developing a competitive proposal.
≤ $400K Pre-Application (required) Due: August 16, 2022 | Deadline: September 1, 2022 The PRP EIRA supports research opportunities for investigators in the early stages of their careers, under the guidance of one or two designated Mentor(s).
$1.2M Pre-Application (required) Due: August 16, 2022 | Deadline: September 1, 2022 The PRP IIRA supports highly rigorous, multidisciplinary, high-impact research projects that have the potential to make an important contribution to Parkinson’s research. This award mechanism supports the full spectrum of research from basic science through clinical research.
≤ $3M Pre-Application (required) Due: August 16, 2022 | Deadline: September 1, 2022 This award is designed to support both new and pre-existing partnerships and encourages participation of PIs from other research fields. The PRP Synergistic Idea Award seeks applications from investigators working in a wide spectrum of disciplines including, but not limited to, basic science, engineering, bioinformatics, population science, translational research, and clinical research.
Planning: ≤ $35K; Implementation: ≤ $150K Deadline: September 1, 2022 Awards support innovative curricular approaches that foster partnerships among humanities faculty and their counterparts in the social and natural sciences and in pre-service or professional programs (such as business, engineering, health sciences, law, computer science, and other technology-driven fields) in order to encourage and develop new integrative learning opportunities for students.
≤ $100K Deadline: September 1, 2022 Dialogues projects encourage veterans and civilians to reflect collectively on such topics as civic engagement, veteran identity, the legacies of war, service, and homecoming. Project teams should include humanities scholars, military veterans, and individuals with relevant experience.
NSF 22-601: $5K-$500K Deadline: September 06, 2022 REU Sites are based on independent proposals to initiate and conduct projects that engage a number of students in research. REU Sites may be based in a single discipline or academic department or may offer interdisciplinary or multi-department research opportunities with a coherent intellectual theme. Proposals with an international dimension are welcome.
$80K-$266K Deadline: September 8, 2022 Within USDE, the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) provides scientific evidence to improve education practice and policy and shares that evidence in a way that can be used by educators, parents, policymakers, researchers, and the public. This request for applications invites applications for training projects that will contribute to its Research Training Programs in the Education Sciences (Research Training). For FY 2023, this competition is accepting applications for training under two programs:
- Early Career Mentoring Program for Faculty at Minority-Serving Institutions (Early Career Mentoring Program)
- Methods Training in Data Science for Education Researchers (Methods Training Program)
$100K - $333K Deadline: September 8, 2022 This request for applications invites applications for projects that will contribute to its Using Longitudinal Data to Support State Education Policymaking (Using Data for Policymaking) grant program. For FY 2023, the Using Data for Policymaking grant program will support research addressing education equity through focusing on understanding and supporting learners affected by opportunity and achievement gaps.
$200K-$760K Deadline: September 8, 2022 This competition encourages a broad range of research, including studies that may have more than one research focus (such as reading and behavior) and may focus broadly on students with disabilities or on a particular disability (such as autism spectrum disorders). The range of research supported through this program includes, but is not limited to, programs to improve child development and school readiness; academic and/or behavioral interventions; instructional practices and/or professional development programs for teachers and other school-based personnel; strategies for improving the family support and engagement critical to the success of students with disabilities; policies and systems-level interventions and programs to address school finance, school-community collaborations, or school structures that affect educational progress for students with disabilities; transition from secondary school to postsecondary education, career, and/or independent living; as well as access to, persistence in, and completion of postsecondary education.
$100K-$200K Deadline: September 8, 2022 For the FY 2023 competition, applications are only being accepted under the Early Career Development and Mentoring (Early Career) program. The Early Career program provides support for an integrated research and career development plan for investigators in the early stages of their academic careers who have established an interest in special education research, with the ultimate aim of launching independent research careers focused on learners with or at risk for disabilities.
≤ $150K Deadlines: September 28, 2022 and September 28, 2023 The purpose of this program is to provide funding to conduct empirical research in the United States or abroad in order to answer questions of importance to the humanities. While the dissemination of results through publications and other media is the ultimate expectation of these awards, the program supports field costs such as travel, accommodation, field staff and equipment, and salary replacement for the project director and collaborating scholars.
NSF 22-595: $200K Deadline: October 22, 2022 The NSF Directorate for Engineering (ENG) seeks to build engineering research capacity across the nation by investing in new academic investigators who have yet to receive research funding from Federal Agencies.
NSF 22-604: $100K-$250K Deadline: January 26, 2023 These grants are intended to support MPS principal investigators for whom LEAPS funding would enable the PI to submit a subsequent successful proposal to a traditional, already-existing NSF funding opportunity, such as individual investigator programs, CAREER competitions, etc. By providing this funding opportunity, MPS intends to help initiate viable independent research programs for researchers attempting to launch their research careers such that LEAPS-MPS awards are followed by competitive grant submissions that build upon the research launched through this mechanism.
NSF 22-603 - Funding: Varies across disciplinary research programs. Deadline: March 1, 2023 The MCA is the only cross-directorate NSF program specifically aimed at providing protected time and resources to established scientists and engineers targeted at the mid-career stage. Participating programs in the Directorates for Biological Sciences (BIO), Geosciences (GEO), Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE), and Education and Human Resources (EHR) will accept MCA proposals. To help identify the disciplinary program in which the MCA should be reviewed, PIs are urged to investigate the research areas supported by the different directorates and participating programs.