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List all localities where the observations will be made (note if public or private):  FORMTEXT       Briefly describe methods and equipment used to monitor study areas:  FORMTEXT       Is permission required to access or deploy monitoring equipment in study areas?  FORMTEXT       If  yes , attach all permission notices and provide details in attached cover letter. 4. List all personnel involved, their affiliation and role in project:  FORMTEXT       Requested IACUC Approval Period (3-year max):  FORMTEXT       to  FORMTEXT       5. I herGIU^  # , 9 : ; < F G   & ( * , @ B D N P R p r t 溴溪洄溪tplhhZh}hOjthh}CJU hOCJjhCJUmHnHujhh}CJUjhCJU hCJ hZCJh}5CJ\ h{<_CJ h}CJ h}5 huCJ h}CJ h}CJ h}CJ$jh}UmHnHu(GHI  R " h T 2dhgd3Bd hd^hgd3Bdhgd"dh$a$#$d%d&d'dNOPQ$a$ $&dPa$t v     " @ B V X Z d f h ֭l`h"h">*CJaJ(jhh"CJUaJmHnHu#jDhhTCJUaJhh"CJaJjhh"CJUaJh"h"CJaJjh}Uj\h}UhZh2h}jhUmHnHujh}UhjhU%h l   2 4 6 @ B D v , . 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Signature of Principal Investigator:____________________________ Date:  FORMTEXT       6. 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