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Include the principal investigator's name at the top and number consecutively with the rest of the application. The sample below is intended to provide guidance regarding the type and extent of information requested. For instructions and information pertaining to the use of and policy for other support, see Other Support in the PHS 398 Part III, Policies, Assurances, Definitions, and Other Information. Note effort devoted to projects must now be measured using person months. Indicate calendar, academic, and/or summer months associated with each project. Format NAME OF INDIVIDUAL ACTIVE/PENDING Project Number (Principal Investigator) Source Title of Project (or Subproject) The major goals of this project areDates of Approved/Proposed Project Annual Direct Costs Person Months (Cal/Academic/ Summer)OVERLAP (summarized for each individual)Samples ANDERSON, R.R. ACTIVE 2 R01 HL 00000-13 (Anderson) 3/1/1997 2/28/2002 3.60 calendar NIH/NHLBI $186,529 Chloride and Sodium Transport in Airway Epithelial Cells The major goals of this project are to define the biochemistry of chloride and sodium transport in airway epithelial cells and clone the gene(s) involved in transport. 5 R01 HL 00000-07 (Baker) 4/1/1994 3/31/2002 1.20 calendar NIH/NHLBI $122,717 Ion Transport in Lungs The major goal of this project is to study chloride and sodium transport in normal and diseased lungs. R000 (Anderson) 9/1/1996 8/31/2002 1.20 calendar Cystic Fibrosis Foundation $43,123 Gene Transfer of CFTR to the Airway Epithelium The major goals of this project are to identify and isolate airway epithelium progenitor cells and express human CFTR in airway epithelial cells. PENDING DCB 950000 (Anderson) 12/01/2002 11/30/2004 2.40 calendar National Science Foundation $82,163 Liposome Membrane Composition and Function The major goals of this project are to define biochemical properties of liposome membrane components and maximize liposome uptake into cells. OVERLAP There is scientific overlap between aim 2 of NSF DCB 950000 and aim 4 of the application under consideration. If both are funded, the budgets will be adjusted appropriately in conjunction with agency staff. RICHARDS, L. NONE HERNANDEZ, M. ACTIVE 5 R01 CA 00000-07 (Hernandez) 4/1/1995 3/31/2002 3.60 academic NIH/NCI $110,532 Gene Therapy for Small Cell Lung Carcinoma The major goals of this project are to use viral strategies to express the normal p53 gene in human SCLC cell lines and to study the effect on growth and invasiveness of the lines. 5 P01 CA 00000-03 (Chen) 7/1/2000 6/30/2002 1.80 academic NIH/NCI $104,428 (sub only) 3.00 summer Mutations in p53 in Progression of Small Cell Lung Carcinoma The major goals of this subproject are to define the p53 mutations in SCLC and their contribution to tumor progression and metastasis. BE 00000 (Hernandez) 9/1/1996 8/31/2002 1.80 academic American Cancer Society $86,732 p53 Mutations in Breast Cancer The major goals of this project are to define the spectrum of p53 mutations in human breast cancer samples and correlate the results with clinical outcome. OVERLAP Potential commitment overlap for Dr. Hernandez between 5 R01 CA 00000-07 and the application under consideration. If the application under consideration is funded with Dr. Hernandez committed at 3.60 person months, Dr. Hernandez will request approval to reduce her months on the NCI grant. BENNETT, P. ACTIVE Investigator Award (Bennett) 9/1/1999 8/31/2002 9.00 calendar Howard Hughes Medical Institute $581,317 Gene Cloning and Targeting for Neurological Disease Genes This award supports the PIs program to map and clone the gene(s) implicated in the development of Alzheimers disease and to target expression of the cloned gene(s) to relevant cells. OVERLAP: None     Program Director/Principal Investigator: (Last, first, middle)  PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 06/09) Page ___ Other Support Format Page  -L \ # ! k]]OOAhPCJOJQJ^JaJh/cCJOJQJ^JaJh>GCJOJQJ^JaJ&h+56CJOJQJ\]^JaJ h+6CJOJQJ]^JaJ h+5CJOJQJ\^JaJh+CJOJQJ^JaJh8CJOJQJ^JaJhy5CJ\aJhyhyCJ\aJh+CJOJQJ^JaJhyh+CJaJh%CJaJhyhyCJaJLO P ! ( }}}}}x$a$H$2kdi$$Ifl*+4 la $Ifgdy4kd$$Ifl*+4 la $$Ifa$gdy ! 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