April 2023 Grants and Contracts
We are pleased to share the success of 91ÁÔÆæ's principal investigators who were awarded grants and contracts during April 2023:
Monthly Awards at a Glance
24 Awards Received: Valued at $3,339,225.
Note: Some industry-sponsored awards are not listed due to their respective non-disclosure terms.
Connie L. Lurie College of Education
Fusaro, Maria / Golloher, Andrea N. / Slusser, Emily / Whitenack, David, Child and Adolescent Development
91ÁÔÆæ P-3 Credential ITEP Planning Grant
Sponsor: CA Comm on Teacher Credentialing – $250,000.
Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering
Tiomkin, Stanislav, Computer Engineering
Discovery and Utilization of Symmetries in Dynamical Systems
Sponsor: University of Hertfordshire – $32,941.
College of Health and Human Sciences
Jensen, Areum, Kinesiology
The Role of Sympathetic Nervous System Activity on Blood Pressure Regulation in Individuals
with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health – $13,881.
Lee, Jihyun / Love, Matthew, Kinesiology
CSU Inclusive Post-Secondary Education Pilot Programs
Sponsor: CSU, Long Beach Foundation – $101,083.
Division of Research and Innovation
Queale, Abby, Office of Innovation
The Spartan SBDC
Sponsor: Humboldt State University Sponsored Programs Foundation – $50,000.
College of Science
Blisniuk, Kimberly, Geology
CAREER: Re-Evaluating the Evolution of the Southern San Andreas Fault along its Restraining
Bend from Holocene to Mid-Quaternary Timescales via 36Cl/10Be Burial and Cosmogenic
Exposure Dating
Sponsor: National Science Foundation – $66,753.
Carroll, Dustin, Meteorology & Climate Science
Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO)
Sponsor: Jet Propulsion Laboratory – $12,551.
Carroll, Dustin, Moss Landing Marine Lab
Using a Data-Constrained Global-Ocean Ecology and Biogeochemistry Model to Study the
Role of Biological Pump and Ocean Circulation in Driving Ocean Carbon Cycle Variability
Sponsor: NASA – $47,434.
Clements, Craig B., Meteorology and Climate Science
METOPS - Analyze 30 YR Climatology 2KM WRF Model (2047625)
Sponsor: Pacific Gas and Electric Company – $50,000.
Clements, Craig B. / Kochanski, Adam / Stasiewicz, Amanda / Wilkin, Kate, Meteorology and Climate Science
IUCRC Phase I: San José State University: Wildfire Interdisciplinary Research Center
Sponsor: National Science Foundation – $35,507., $16,000., and $16,000.
Devries, Maya / Gardner, Luke / Graham, Michael / Hamilton, Scott L., Biological Sciences
Aquanauts: A Transformative Research and Training Experience for Undergraduates in
Shellfish Aquaculture
Sponsor: UC, San Diego – $74,999.
Gardner, Luke, Moss Landing Marine Lab
Developing Domestic Formulated Feeds and Sea Cucumber Polyculture Integration in California
Abalone Aquaculture
Sponsor: Kashia Band of Pomo Indians – $14,988.
Kaufman, Michael J., Science, Dean's Office
Astronomical Infrared Bands as Calibrated Probes of Astrophysical Conditions in the
JWST-era with The NASA Ames PAH IR Spectroscopic Database
Sponsor: NASA – $228,440.
Kochanski, Adam, Meteorology and Climate Science
Integration and Evaluation of WRF-SFIRE Application for Interoperability in Wildfire
Decision Making
Sponsor: Colorado State University – $21,477
Quan, Gina, Physics & Astronomy
Transfer Advocacy Groups: Transforming Culture to Support Transfer Students of Color
in Undergraduate Physics
Sponsor: National Science Foundation – $850,929.
Rascon Jr.,Alberto A., Chemistry
Understanding the Functional Roles of Newly Identified Serine ‘Orphan’ Proteases and
Two Chymotrypsins in the Aedes aegypti Midgut
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health – $109,875.
Tan, Qian, Meteorology & Climate Science
The NOAA Cooperative Science Center in Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology
Sponsor: Howard University – $54,740.
Thornton, Edward, Moss Landing Marine Lab
ROXSI: ROcky shores eXperiments and SImulations- Thornton Portion
Sponsor: UC, San Diego – $39,314.
Wilkin, Kate, Biological Sciences
91ÁÔÆæ Prescribed Fire Monitoring and Research Program in the South Bay and Central
Sponsor: California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) – $396,601.
College of Social Sciences
Laraway, Sean P., Psychology
Human Systems Integration: Coll. Human Factors Research to Improve Safety, Efficiency
& Reliability of NASA’s Aeronautics & Space Missions: Phase 2
Sponsor: NASA – $316,342.
Snycerski, Susan M., Psychology
Future Vertical Lift: Collaborative Research on Flight Control, Autonomous Rotorcraft,
and Human-Systems Interface Design
Sponsor: NASA – $494,370.
Stasiewicz, Amanda, Environmental Studies
Motivating Homeowners to Take Wildfire Prepared Home Action
Sponsor: Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety – $45,000.