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Class Days/Time: On-line Classroom: On-line, Canvas Prerequisites: Upper Division Standing (60 units) Completion of Core General Education GE/91 Studies Category: Area V Course Format Online This course is an online-only course. No in-person class meetings are required. Access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection as well as a word processing program (such as MS Word) are required. The course is through Canvas learning management system. Information about Canvas, including links to log-in are here:  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/at/ec/canvas/" http://www.sjsu.edu/at/ec/canvas/ Course Description Geography 112 is an 91 Studies course in Area V: Cultures and Global Understanding. Courses in this area should give students an appreciation for human expression in cultures outside the U.S. and an understanding of how that expression has developed over time. The course should also increase students understanding of how traditions and cultures outside the U.S. have influenced American culture and society, as well as how cultures in general both develop distinctive features and interact with other cultures. Specifically, this course is a geographic exploration of some of the most pressing contemporary world issues in politics, economy, security, human-environment relations and the interaction of cultures. Reading and writing assignments, and short chapter film clips are all used to gain a better understanding of these complex problems and their geographic dimensions. Students will develop their ability to think critically, independently, relationally, and contextually, and to communicate their views effectively, particularly in writing. Learning Outcomes - Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: LO1 analyze historical, social, and/or cultural significance of creative works of human expression (examples include, but are not limited to, written works, images, media, music, dance, technologies, designs), from at least one cultural tradition outside the United States. (Journal responses, chapter quizzes, and course essays) LO2 examine how creative works of human expression [as defined in #1] outside the United States have influenced the United States cultures; . (Journal responses, chapter quizzes, and course essays) LO3 explain how a culture outside the U.S. has changed in response to internal and external influences (Journal responses, chapter quizzes, and course essays) LO4 ; appraise how the study of creative works of human expression from outside the United States shapes ones own understanding of cultural experiences and practices. (Journal responses, chapter quizzes, and course essays) Required Text: Payne, R. (2023) Global Issues: Politics, Economics, and Culture. 8th Edition. Pearson. ISBN: 9780134635454 When you sign in to our class via Canvas, you will be able to purchase the book and etext learning package directly through Pearson Publishing. Prerequisites and Requirements Passage of the Writing Skills Test (WST) Upper Division Standing (60 units) Completion of Core General Education You are responsible for understanding the politics and procedures about add/drops, academic renewal, withdrawal, etc. found at: http://www.sjsu.edu/studentconduct/docs/Student%20Conduct%20Code%202013.pdf Writing: The minimum writing requirement for this course is 3000 words in a language and style appropriate to the discipline. Writing will be assessed for clarity, accuracy and conciseness as well as content. The writing requirement will be met through each Chapters Journal responses and the two course essays. (See below for more details.) Course Requirements: Chapter Quizzes [60%]: At the end of every Chapter, there is a 15 question multiple choice quiz. The quizzes are open Etext, so feel free to consult the text for your answers. You will have two chances for every answer with your second attempted answer being worth only 50% if it is correct.Thus, please remember that for every time that you try to answer the question correctly after your first attempt, you will not receive full points. Each quiz is worth 15 points for a total of 60 points or 60% of your final grade. (Please note that Pearson/Revel will grade your quiz out of 30 points. At the end of the term, I adjust each of your quiz scores so that it is out of 15 points.) Chapter Journal Responses [20%]:For every chapter that we cover, there are Journal responses sprinkled throughout the text (anywhere between 5-12 per chapter). Thus, you will be required to respond to EACH of these responses with at least three to four well-written sentences (~50-60 words per response prompt)-, which demonstrate that you have read the material and thought deeply about it. You will receive a total of five points per chapter if you respond intelligently and thoughtfully to each of these Journal prompts. Thus, each chapters journal responses are collectively worth 5 points for a total of 20 points, or 20% of your final grade. (Please make sure you read your journal responses out loud to yourself and spellcheck before submitting.:) Select Topic Essays [20%]: There are two short essays required for this course. Each will be about 3 pages in length (~1000 words/essay) and will be based on your learning and understanding of a select current world topic/issue as a result of this class (and other relevant outside experiences). The two select topic essays are worth 10 points each for a total of 20 points, or 20%, of your final grade. More details on these two essay assignments will be available via our Canvas course site. AssignmentPoints (% of Total)Quizzes (4)15 points each (60% total)Chapter Journal Entry Responses 5 points per Chapter (20% total) Select Topic Essays (2)10 points per essay (20% total)Total100 points (100%)Final Examination or Evaluation The final exam (Chapter 4 Quiz) will be available online on beginning on Thursday, July 6, and based on course materials from Chapter 4 of the required online text. Grade Scale PercentLetter GradePercentLetter Grade95-100A77-79C+90-94A-74-76C87-89B+70-73C-84-86B60-69D80-83B-<60F Consent for Recording of Class and Public Sharing of Instructor Material: Common courtesy and professional behavior dictate that you notify someone when you are recording him/her. You must obtain the instructors permission (namely me) to make audio or video recordings in this class. Such permission allows the recordings to be used for your private, study purposes only. The recordings are the intellectual property of the instructor; you have not been given any rights to reproduce or distribute the material. Grading Policies: A strong performance in all areas of assessment is necessary to achieve the highest grade in this course. Please remember that this course must be passed with a C or better as a CSU graduation requirement. Please remember that success in this course is based on the expectation that students will spend, for each unit of credit, a minimum of 45 hours over the length of the course (normally three hours per unit per week) for instruction, preparation/studying, or course related activities, including but not limited to internships, labs, and clinical practica. Other course structures will have equivalent workload expectations as described in the syllabus. For more information see:  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/senate/docs/S16-9.pdf" University Syllabus Policy S16-9 at http://www.sjsu.edu/senate/docs/S16-9.pdf. Office of Graduate and Undergraduate Programs  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/gup/syllabusinfo/" Syllabus Information web page at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/gup/syllabusinfo/" http://www.sjsu.edu/gup/syllabusinfo/ Late work will be marked down by 10 percent for every day that it is late. After ten (10) days, late work will no longer be accepted. I will grant extensions of up to three days for all assignments except the final. However, extension requests must be sent to me via email/Canvas four (4) days prior to the due date. University Policies (Required) Per University Policy S16-9, university-wide policy information relevant to all courses, such as academic integrity, accommodations, etc. will be available on Office of Graduate and Undergraduate Programs  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/gup/syllabusinfo/" Syllabus Information web page at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sjsu.edu/gup/syllabusinfo/" http://www.sjsu.edu/gup/syllabusinfo/ Geography 112 Course Schedule (Subject to Change with Fair Notice, via Canvas Announcements) DateTopic/ReadingAssignmentsDue  6/5-6/11 Ch. 1 Global Issues Chapter 1 Journal Responses & Chapter Quiz Sunday, June 11 10:00 p.m.6/12-6/18Ch. 2 The Struggle for PrimacyChapter 2 Journal Responses & Chapter Quiz Sunday, June 18 10:00 p.m.  6/19-6/25Actors in Globalization Ch. 3 Human RightsFirst Select Topic Essay Chapter 3 Journal Responses & Chapter QuizFriday, June 23 Sunday, June 25 10:00 p.m. 6/26-7/2 7/3-7/7 Struggle for Global Supremacy Ch. 4 Promoting Democracy Second Select Topic Essay Chapter 4 Journal Responses & Chapter Quiz Sunday, July 2 10:00 p.m. Friday, July 7 12:00 noon7/7Final Exam (Chapter 4 Quiz)Chapter 4 QuizFriday, July 7 due by 12 noon      PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 5       ) K R S ] ̿{sh&uYOJQJhCVOJQJhoh+E0JOJQJh+EOJQJjh+EOJQJUhKOJQJhOJQJhhOJQJhhCJ^JaJhhCJaJh(5CJOJQJaJhh5CJOJQJaJh-ICJaJh-I'KVkdm$$If0%&%$ tL&634ayt,sDVkd$$If0%&%$ tL&634ayt,sD$If     KVkdG$$If0%&%$ tL&634ayt,sD$IfVkd$$If0%&%$ tL&634ayt,sDKVkd!$$If0%&%$ tL&634ayt,sD$IfVkd$$If0%&%$ tL&634ayt,sDE99 $$Ifa$gdVkd$$If0%&%$ tL&634ayt,sD$If$IfVkd$$If0%&%$ tL&634ayt,sD    Zkdh$IfK$L$l0` %` P t%644 laytb $IfgdK$ $IfgdK$ $Ifgd  ) J K R 5Zkd,$IfK$L$l0` %` P t%644 laytb $IfgdK$ $IfgdK$Zkd$IfK$L$l0` %` P t%644 laytb ^ _ w u$-DIfM gd&uYK$$-DIfM gd&uY $IfgdK$Zkd$IfK$L$l0` %` P t%644 laytb] A P ] ^ v w x    " * , - / }}}r}nfbnZnZT h-I0Jjh-IUh` h-ICJaJh-IhhCJaJhhCJ^JaJhhOJQJ' jJh&uYh&uYB*OJPJQJph"""h[XB*OJPJQJph"""h&uYB*OJPJQJph"""$h&uYh&uY>*B*OJPJQJphU*jh&uYh&uYB*OJPJQJUph"""!h&uYh&uYB*OJPJQJph""" w x 5ZkdR$IfK$L$l0` %` P t%644 laytb $IfgdK$ $IfgdK$Zkd$IfK$L$l0` %` P t%644 laytb   $IfgdK$ $Ifgd $IfgdK$Zkd$IfK$L$l0` %` P t%644 laytb  " ) * + 5/$IfZkdx$IfK$L$l0` %` P t%644 laytb $IfgdK$ $IfgdK$Zkd$IfK$L$l0` %` P t%644 laytb+ , - ; B kl}gd*gd: gd: gdQpgd-Igd-Igd-IVkd$$If0%&%$ tL&634ayt,sD$If +klo|CMWz{|} "ĵ߉~w~ hDh* h: h*h* h*5h1CJOJQJaJhDh: CJOJQJaJh: CJOJQJaJh: h: CJOJQJaJh: h: 5CJOJQJaJh1 h: h: h: h: 5h: hghzh-Ijh-IU* g{| -Vyjt!u!v!!!$Ifgd&2gdDQwgdDQw & Fdd[$\$gd-Igd-IgdP^gd*NQSz{ ,-Jijr ,J瑱}yuyu}ic_c_[_W_W_h%<hUxhDQw hDQw0J!hDQwhDQw0J!5\h4jh h-I h-I0J!h *hQph-ICJOJQJaJ hQph-IhQph-I0J! hP^hP^hP^5CJOJQJaJ"hP^hP^5CJH*OJQJaJ"hP^hP^56CJOJQJaJh%<5CJOJQJaJhP^hP^5CJOJQJaJ"JTUYrz -0Gevz 7?GHY~@ f ! !-!.!2!8!B!C!c!q!s!t!u!v!!!!!žh-I h-I0J!h&2h&2OJQJhDQw5CJOJPJQJaJ hDQwhDQwhDQwhDQw5hhh hDQw0J!(hv1AB*OJQJfHph-;Eq hv1Ah,hDQwh%<9!!!!!!"OF $Ifgd%<Tkd$$If0B$FBFB t634Bayt-I$IfTkdG$$If0B$FBFB t634Bayt-I!!!!!!!!!!"""""""2"3"9":";"<"?"@"I"P"X"Y"y"""""""""""""###+#ҷҨҨ윘윔~hKhc56OJQJhch;hhthVh}hh2 h2 CJOJQJaJh2 h-ICJOJQJaJhcHCJOJQJaJh%<CJOJQJaJ h2 h2 h2 h-Ih-Ih%<h2 h-ICJaJ-""";"<">"?"OI$IfTkdv$$If0B$FBFB t634Bayt-I$IfTkd$$If0B$FBFB t634Bayt-I?"@"F"X"Y"y"##OJE@gdcgd ?gd-ITkd@ $$If0B$FBFB t634Bayt-I$IfTkd$$If0B$FBFB t634Bayt-I# #,#4#A#I#V#&$ & p@ P !$1$7$8$H$Ifa$gdzgdc+#,#V#W#i#j#{#|########%%%4&&''z({(((((2)3)f)g))))))))))j*****#+,,F,G,d,e,ǿѹѵѭѭѭѭџъѭѭh#Eh%Mh%M5h<h%M0Jh%Mjh%MU h-I0Jjh-IUh ? 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