Faculty Externally Funded Research Accomplishments
The Initiative faculty are extremely accomplished. This section will list all "Cyber Security" and "Big Data" research projects and publications over the past five years.
- Dr. David Schuster | Co-PI for proposal submitted to NSF, “RI: Large: Collaborative Research: Intelligent Models of Performance for Automation of Complex Tasks (IMPACT)” with cluster. Co-PIs Duc Thanh Tran and Thomas Austin. Project is a collaboration with SRI International.
- Dr. David Schuster | Founded the Virtual Environments, Cognition, and Training Research (VECTR) Laboratory to investigate human factors of cyber security; lab currently serves two undergraduate volunteer research assistants and two graduate volunteer research assistants.
- Dr. Meikang Qiu | PI for proposal submitted to NSF, “Towards Low-Latency Low-Power Heterogeneous Memory Access”
- Dr. Meikang Qiu | PI for proposal submitted to TCL Company, “Cyber security for cloud computing”
- Dr. Meikang Qiu | PI for proposal submitted to 91 RSCA, “Traffic Balance of Big Data on Cloud-Based Telehealth Platform”&Բ;
91 Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity (RSCA) Awards
The purpose of the 91 RSCA Awards is to support the research, scholarship and creative activity of tenure-track and tenured faculty. Recent awardees of RSCA grants are listed below.
- Pat Franks (SLIS) and Leslie Albert (MIS) | Security through Collective Intelligence: Cyber Security Key Competencies and Supporting Learning Modules. In 2011, the National Initiative for Cyber Security Education (NICE) identified the need for innovative Cyber Security education programs that will help citizens secure the nation from growing Cyber Security threats.
- Michelle Chen, School of Information | Improving analysis of large digital collections: A new information visualization model for better access and retrieval. A study to test an information visualization model that can be used to improve user search and retrieval capabilities by using it to query and retrieve data from the Illinois Digital Archives.
- Patricia Franks, School of Information | Security through collective intelligence: Cyber security key competencies and supporting learning modules. A collaboration between the College of Business and the School of Library and Information Science to identify key cyber security competencies needed by non-specialist citizens, and develop and pilot learning modules to integrate these into existing courses.
Faculty Cyber Security or Big Data Collaborations
The Initiative faculty are very active in the industry around Silicon Valley. This section lists all "Cyber Security" and "Big Data" collaboration projects and publications over the past five years.
- Dr. David Schuster | Collaboration with McAfee to design and conduct an experiment on trust in App Store ratings, ongoing.
- Dr. David Schuster | Collaboration with Trend Micro to implement virtualized cyber security testbed for research use.
- Dr. Meikang Qiu | Associate Editor and member of the Editorial Board of IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing
Faculty Significant Presentations
The Initiative knows how important it is to present its material for the great community to share in findings and simply muse about a particular trend. Significant presentations will be highlighted here.
- Dr. David Schuster | Conference presentation with published proceedings and student authorship: Cain, A. A., & Schuster, D. (2014). Measurement of situation awareness among diverse agents in cyber security. Proceedings of the IEEE International Inter-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support (CogSIMA), 1, 113-118. San Antonio, TX: IEEE.
- Dr. David Schuster | Lecture presented at the meeting of the San José State University Cyber Security Cluster, "Understanding cognition in cyber security," November, 2013.
- Dr. Younghee Park | “Design of Policy Engine to Prevent Malware Propagation in AMI", in the conference of Team for Research in Ubiquitous Secure Technology(TRUST), Washington D.C., October 2013
- Professor Tonia San Nicolas-Rocca | “Application Level Security in Libraries”, Annual Security Conference Las Vegas, Nevada in May, 2014
- Dr. Hsuanwei Michelle Chen | “Group Polarization in Virtual Communities: The Case of Stock Message Boards”, International Academy of Business and Economy, October 2013