
Tax Reform Hearings of the 114th Congress

Below are links to these hearings, categorized as follows:

Professor Nellen's Major Federal Tax Reform Website - click here.       
AICPA tax reform
Tax Reform Hearings of prior Congresses: 115th   113th    112th     111th      110th

Look for Joint Committee on Taxation reports for the hearings listed below -

Additional tax reform links for the 114th Congress - here

Tax Reform In General


International Considerations

Estate Tax Reform

Small Business Taxation

Retirement Savings

Environment/Energy/Transportation Tax Considerations


Social Security


State Tax Reform

SFC =         SBC -            SSCA =           HWM =     

CRS =           SST -        SCST -

HSBC =      SSBE -

JEC -          JCT =      CBO =

HJC =             SHELP =           

PSI -       HCOB -               HTIC -

This page last revised on June 15, 2016                                               Professor Annette Nellen

Additional Links

Senator Hatch's 7 principles of tax reform - see

Senators Hatch and Wyden form 5 bipartisan working groups on tax reform ().

Senate Finance Committee Republican staff (300 pages) - Comprehensive Tax Reform for 2015 and Beyond, with intro by Senator Hatch. Released 12/11/14.

SFC seeking input on tax reform by 4/15/15 ().

Report of SFC Democratic staff - , 3/3/15

Camp's (113rd Congress)  + summary and links

Senator Rubio (3/4/15) -

Congressman Nunes - H.R. xxx (113rd), American Business Competitiveness Act of 2014 - + + (2/18/15)

Senator Cardin, (113rd), Progressive Consumption Tax Act + .

Senator Coburn's released in December 2014 before he retired.


Modifications to Income Tax

President Obama's budget and greenbook documents:


Budget Proposals - House and Senate - What do they say about tax reform?

Senate -

House -