BUS4 188 - Business Systems and Policy

BUS4 188, Business Systems and Policy

Section 15 (Fall 2021):

Course number: 47541
Class Time: Thursday 6:00pm - 8:45pm
Location: BBC 204

Course Description: In today’s business environment technology plays a significant role, so an understanding of information systems is needed for businesses to be able to compete effectively. This course provides an introduction to the information systems used in business, including key terms, concepts, and capabilities, as well as how technology impacts business organizations. 

Course Format: We meet once per week. The lectures are recorded and you will be expected to watch them prior to attending class. Most weeks the course will consist of a combination of exercises and in-class projects where you will work with your team.  There are approximately 9 in-class team projects and you will be assigned to rotations on three teams which will be diverse both as to major and gender since industry has found that diverse teams generate better results.  The in-class projects will apply material from the reading and recorded lectures, so your teammates will expect you to have done the reading and viewing before-hand so you can contribute to the project. There will be a midterm and final exam, with a combination of online and in-class quizzes before the midterm and the final - these are designed as a study aid for the exams.  We will also be using the which consists of a series of six lab projects where you will be using a Salesforce developer account to do the lab exercises that build on Salesforce's capabilities and apply the database concepts learned in class.  These labs use an engaging format and since they are based on a currently in-demand skill, the labs have helped prior students in landing internships and jobs.