Testing Accommodations
AEC’s Alternative Testing Center administers accommodated course exams for students with prescribed testing accommodations. We also support 91 standardized testing as needed.
The Alternative Testing Center is equipped with assistive technology software and hardware to support accommodations prescribed by AEC, with approximately 38 accessible stations and trained staff.
Alternative Testing Guide 2024-2025 [pdf]
AEC Final Exams- Flow Chart [pdf]
Testing - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- How are testing accommodations being administered?
Students can review the Alternative Testing Guide for 2024-2025 [pdf] for information on how testing accommodations will be administered.
- How do I request testing accommodations in MyAEC?
You must request any prescribed testing accommodations in MyAEC each semester. Our provides step-by-step instructions on how to do so.
- When should I request testing accommodations in MyAEC?
Testing accommodations can be requested in MyAEC at any time during the semester. You must request testing accommodations in MyAEC before you will be able to use them. AEC recommends that you request testing accommodations as early as possible. You will be able to request accommodations in MyAEC after registering for each upcoming semester.
How will my professors know I have testing accommodations?
Once you have requested your accommodations in MyAEC, each of your faculty members will receive an email called a “Faculty Notification Letter.” The Faculty Notification Letter informs faculty of your prescribed accommodations.
You will receive email copies when each Faculty Notification Letter is sent out. You can also access records of each Faculty Notification Letter sent on your behalf in your MyAEC profile in the “My Mailbox” section.
Note: If you request accommodations in MyAEC before the semester begins, your Faculty Notification Letters will not be sent out until a couple days before the beginning of the semester to ensure your faculty don’t accidentally miss them.
- Once I have requested my testing accommodations in MyAEC, do I also need to request
accommodations for each specific exam?
Requesting accommodations for every exam is essential so faculty and the AEC can make necessary arrangements, such as scheduling your exam time with AEC (for in-person exams) or extending your time in Canvas (for online exams).
Testing Accommodations Flowchart
- How do I request accommodations for each exam?
In-Person Class:
Step 1:
After requesting your accommodations in MyAEC, contact your professors to discuss your testing accommodations and the administration of course exams.Instructors will electronically complete the AEC Test Accommodation Form through the link provided on the Faculty Notification Letter.
Step 2:
You must submit a Test Accommodation Form for each exam (including quizzes, midterms, and finals) at least 5 business days before the scheduled exam date (3 business days for summer/winter courses). Our will guide you on how to do so.The AEC will email you a confirmation of your exam date, time, location, and other important information.
On-Line Class:
Step 1:
After requesting your accommodations in MyAEC, contact your professors to discuss your testing accommodations and the administration of course exams. Confirm with your professor which exams/quizzes you want to use your prescribed testing accommodations for.
Step 2:
Email your professors at least 5 business days (3 business days for summer/winter courses) before each exam to remind them of your requested accommodations.Professors may not respond to reminder emails. As long as you have discussed your accommodations with your faculty in advance, you should receive your testing accommodations.
- What should I do if my time is not extended for an online exam?
If you log into your online exam and your time has not been extended, log out of the exam immediately. Email your faculty to inform them your time has not been extended. Faculty should respond shortly and extend your time. If faculty does not respond or are not able to extend your time, email AEC Exams at aec-exams@sjsu.edu and we will assist. (AEC Testing Hours for Fall 2024 are Monday - Friday from 8:30 am - 5 pm.) Emails received after hours will be answered the next business day. Do not attempt to take your exam until your faculty and/or AEC have communicated with you to confirm your time has been extended.
- I forgot to request my testing accommodations at least 5 days (3 days for summer/winter
courses) prior to my exam. Are my faculty required to provide my accommodations?
In-Person Classes
Non-Final Exams: The 5 business days in advance (3 business days for summer/winter courses) time frame is designed to provide faculty and AEC enough time to set up accommodations. You can still submit a Test Accommodation Form less than 5 business days in advance (3 business days for summer/winter courses), but faculty are not required to approve late requests. AEC may also not be able to approve late requests depending on seating availability. Students are encouraged to contact AEC for consultation if they have questions.
Final exams: Requests for final exam accommodations must be submitted in MyAEC by November 1st, 2024 deadline (for Fall 2024), and 3 business days in advance for summer/winter courses. These deadlines allow faculty and AEC time to set up accommodations. You can still submit a Test Accommodation Form less than 5 business days in advance (3 business days for summer/winter courses), but faculty are not required to approve late requests. AEC may also not be able to approve late requests depending on seating availability. Students are encouraged to contact AEC for consultation if they have questions.
Online Classes
All exams (including finals): The 5 business days in advance (3 business days for summer/winter courses) time frame is designed to provide faculty enough time to set up accommodations. Faculty are not required to accommodate a student if the student requests accommodations in an unreasonable time frame. Students are encouraged to contact AEC for consultation if they have questions.
- I need to reschedule an exam due to an illness/emergency. What should I do?
In-Person Classes:
Rescheduling an exam requires instructor approval. Make-up exams follow the policy indicated on course syllabus. If you need to reschedule or cancel an exam due to illness or emergency, email AEC Testing at aec-exams@sjsu.edu as soon as possible. You will also need to email your instructor to determine an alternate time to take the exam.Once you and your instructor agree on a new exam date and time, submit a Test Accommodation Form and forward the approval message from your instructor to aec-exams@sjsu.edu.
-Exams requiring additional accommodations such as: a reader, scribe, private room and/or other individualized prescriptions may be delayed in scheduling until the required accommodation support can be secured.
-Once AEC receives instructor approval, by email or verbal, the rescheduled exam will be approved.Online Classes:
Make-up exams follow the policy as indicated on course syllabus. Students needing to change or cancel an exam due to illness or an emergency, must contact their instructor to determine a new date and time. Instructor will make the necessary arrangements directly with the student.
- Some of my exams overlap due to my testing accommodations. What should I do?
Online Classes:
Speak directly with your faculty to request scheduling arrangements. Examples: You can ask the faculty of your first class to allow you to start the exam early, or you can ask the faculty of your second class to allow you to start the exam late. Faculty will make the necessary arrangements directly with the student.
If your faculty does not support scheduling arrangements, contact AEC Testing at aec-exams@sjsu.edu as soon as possible for support.In-Person Classes:
Speak directly with your faculty to make arrangements for when you can schedule your accommodated exams with the AEC. This discussion should include asking whether you can take the exam on a different day (if needed). If a faculty member does not approve of the time/day you wish to schedule your accommodated exam with AEC, work directly with the faculty member to determine if your professor can provide the accommodations themselves on a day and time mutually agreed on. If the professor cannot do so, you should contact AEC Testing at aec-exams@sjsu.edu as soon as possible for support.
- What am I allowed to bring into the testing room?
Allowed items: Pens/pencils, testing aids approved by faculty, required testing items such as Scantrons or essay books.
Not allowed: Electronics (e.g., cell phone, laptops, tablets, smart watches, etc.), backpacks/purses, food/gum, unauthorized testing aids.
- Can I store personal belongings (such as backpacks or bags) in AEC while I am testing?
You should do your best to bring ONLY what you need for your exam. Please leave other belongings (e.g., bags/backpacks, school materials, food, etc.) at home or in a safe location. If you absolutely must bring personal belongings, AEC will provide some storage spaces on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Does AEC provide testing materials (e.g., scantrons or green books) and other aids
(e.g, calculators or rulers)?
No, AEC does not provide any aids other than a pencil or pen. You are responsible for your own required testing materials and aids.
Final Exams - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- How are testing accommodations being administered for Fall 2024 Final Exams?
Students can review the Alternative Testing Guide for 2024-2025 [pdf] for information on how Final Exam accommodations will be administered.
- How will instructors receive notification that a student will need accommodations
for a final exam?
In-Person Class
Step 1:
After requesting your accommodations in MyAEC, contact your instructor to discuss your testing accommodations and the administration of course exams.Instructors will electronically complete the AEC Test Accommodation Form through the link provided on the Faculty Notification Letter.
Step 2:
You must submit a Test Accommodation Form for each exam (including quizzes, midterms, and finals) at least 5 business days before the scheduled exam date (3 business days for summer/winter courses). Our will guide you on how to do so.The AEC will email you a confirmation of your exam date, time, location, and other important information.
Once approved, your instructor will receive an automated email from MyAEC with your exam date and time.
On-Line Class
Step 1:
After requesting your accommodations in MyAEC, contact your professors to discuss your testing accommodations and the administration of course exams. Confirm with your instructor which exams/quizzes you want to use your prescribed testing accommodations for.Step 2:
Email your instructors at least 5 business days (3 business days for summer/winter courses) before each exam to remind them of your requested accommodations.Instructors may not respond to reminder emails. As long as you have discussed your accommodations with your faculty in advance, you should receive your testing accommodations
- What should students do if back-to-back exams overlap due to the extended time?
Students are responsible to work with their instructor when they need to take an exam at an alternate time for back-to-back exams.
Per the University’s Finals Exam Policy - Circumstances in which students may request the rescheduling of a culminating activity:
b. A student may request the rescheduling of a culminating activity if three or more are scheduled/due within a 24-hour period. Requests must be made at least three weeks prior to the last class meeting of the semester.
On-Line Class
AEC recommends students speak directly with the instructor of the second course to request a later start time when the prescribed extended time of the first exam overlaps the second exam’s start time. Instructor will make the necessary arrangements directly with the student.Should the instructor not support a later start time, students should contact AEC Testing at aec-exams@sjsu.edu as soon as possible for support.
In-Person Class
Use this process only if the course has in-person exams being proctor/administered by an instructor or designated person. For exams administered online remotely, students are not required to come to campus to take the exam and should follow instructions for Online Class above.Exams administered by AEC will be scheduled back-to-back in consideration of the extended time. AEC will schedule the second exam 15 to 30 min (as seat availability allows) after the scheduled end time of the first exam.
Student are required to notify their instructor of any time change. Should the instructor not approve the time change, AEC recommends students work directly with the professor to determine if:
1) your exam can be rescheduled to another day or
2) your professor may be able to provide the accommodations themselves on a day and time mutually agreed on.
Should the instructor not support a later start time or offer an alternate arrangement, students should contact AEC Testing at aec-exams@sjsu.edu as soon as possible for support.
- How do instructors extend testing time on Canvas?
Instructors have been provided the instructions and a link to Canvas Tutorial video on extending testing time.
- Who should I contact about issues with my Canvas password?
Please contact .
- Is Canvas compatible with the software AEC provides to students?
Canvas is an accessible platform and it is compatible with assistive technology with or without LockDown Browser, such as screen readers. Students prescribed to the reading program, Natural Reader, already have access to the software and are able to use it with Canvas exams.
- Is Respondus Lockdown compatible with assistive technology?
The Mac and the iPad version of LockDown Browser works with VoiceOver (the standard screen reader that comes with the Mac OS and iOS) and requires no additional effort by the user. The Windows version of LockDown Browser allows a student to use some screen reader programs, such as JAWS.
It's important to recognize that LockDown Browser is simply a browser used to take exams within a Learning Management System. The Learning Management System itself is responsible for making its tools and content accessible. Remember to post accessible materials onto Canvas.
- Who should I contact about issues with Respondus Lockdown Browser, Proctorio, or ProctorU?
E-Campus has dedicated support resources for each of the University-provided proctoring services, which can be found by visiting the Center for Faculty Excellence and Teaching Innovation and looking under the drop-down menu titled Teaching Tools.
- Who should I contact if I have technical difficulties with my assistive technology
while using Canvas/Lockdown Browser?
All students should have utilized Canvas for at least one exam prior to final exams. If a student experienced difficulty using their assistive technology with Canvas and/or LockDown, students should email aec-info@sjsu.edu for support. It is important students seek support for using assistive technology well in advance of a scheduled final exam, as AEC will be unable to provide live technical support.
- Is AEC staff available for support?
AEC continues to support students via email (aec-exams@sjsu.edu), phone, and to address any student concern regarding supporting accommodations and the administration of in-person final exams, including Fall 2024 finals.
Note: Live technical support will not be provided.
- What should students do if their exam time is not extended?
If you log into your online exam and your time has not been extended, AEC recommends that you log out of the exam and do not attempt to take the exam. Email your instructor and the department Chair immediately to inform them your time has not been extended. Your professor should respond shortly and extend your time. If your professor does not respond or is not able to extend your time, email AEC Exams at aec-exams@sjsu.edu and we will assist.
- What should students do if the instructor is not responding to their email?
Students can contact the instructor’s Department Chair or Associate Dean. This information can be found on the instructor's department web page or by typing in the department’s name in the .
- Will I have a Captioner or Interpreter for my final exams?
Students needing either a Captioner or Interpreter for their final exams (presentations) must contact the DHOH Office, aec-dhoh@sjsu.edu 5 days prior to their exams should either of these services be required and only if exams are being administered live and on Zoom.