The Laura Good Undergraduate Research Grant

The Laura Good Undergraduate Research Grant provides undergraduate students majoring in Anthropology or Behavioral Science the opportunity to fund research projects under the supervision of a faculty member. Up to $1000 of support is available per grant, with students being eligible to apply to multiple grants.

This grant is made possible through the generosity of Laura Good, an 91ÁÔÆæ alumna who received her M.S. in Computer Information Systems in 1980. Ms. Good's gift honors her aunt, the late Laura Thompson (1905-2000), an anthropologist who received her Ph.D. from the Univesity of California, Berkeley in 1933.

Laura Thompson had a long and prolific career and conducted ethnographic research in many regions, including Fiji, Germany, Canada, Iceland and Native American communities. She is perhaps best known for her work among the Chamorro people of Guam. The 91ÁÔÆæ Department of Anthropology is proud to honor her memory.

Application Process

Applications for support should include the following:

  1. Descriptions of the project that includes the budget, budget rationale, and timeline for the implementing and completing it (maximum of one page single spaced in 10pt type).
  2. Copy of unofficial transcript of all graduate work.
  3. Letter of endorsement of an anthropology faculty sponsor (brief paragraph).
  4. Signed

Students who are awarded support must enroll in a 1 unit ANTH 180 or 280 course with their faculty sponsor; will be expected to produce a project deliverable (report, scholarly paper, etc.) that meets professional standards, and will be expected to write a one page summary with photo or graphic for the department and/or College of Social Sciences blog.  

Recipients of the Laura Good Undergraduate Research Grant

  • Chris Keith (2012)
  • Chelsea Halliwell (2013)
  • Lillian Luu (2013)
  • Cecilia Macedo (2013)
  • Jocelyn Langarica (2014)
  • Joseph Carpio (2015)
  • Jillian Ferini (2015)
  • Elaine Foster (2015)
  • Marissa Massaro (2015)
  • Kirk Phillips (2015)
  • Jacqueline Porcello (2015)
  • Aaron Van Valen (2015)
  • Brieann DeOrnellas (2016)
  • Arianna Heathcote (2016)
  • Denise Frazier (2017)
  • Erik Savage (2017)
  • Madeline Dickson (2018)
  • Nancy Diaz (2018)
  • Jodi Tran (2018)
  • Maranyeli Estrada (2018)
  • Gabbie Fall (2019)
  • Kiyoshi Ito (2019)
  • Brandon Alvarado (2019)
  • Nicole Angulo (2019)
  • Quentin McNeely (2021)
  • Jasper Vera (2021)
  • Tam Nguyen (2021)
  • Mitchell Tran (2022)
  • Lizette Gonzalez (2022)
  • Christoper Mukai (2022)
  • Erin Nicholson (2024)
  • Autumn White (2024)
  • Jaymi McGinn (2024)
  • Connor Brown (2024)
  • Valeria Foxworthy Gonzalez (2024)
  • Erin Nicholson (2024)
  • Ashley Bergstrom (2024)