Instructor Resources

Interested in using APEX modules in your course? Not sure where to start? Learn how to access our materials and how to receive training and support in using them!

Accessing APEX Materials

APEX materials are free to use and are available via GitHub and Canvas. To gain access to the Canvas shells, please email Valerie Carr at


Canvas Shell: Python Training for Faculty

This asynchronous Canvas course allows instructors to learn the basics of Python and Google Colab through hands-on exercises, enabling them to feel more comfortable using these tools in the classroom. Modules can be completed independently or as part of a faculty learning community at your institution.

Canvas Shell: APEX Stats and Bio Instructor Guide 

Instructors can access APEX computing modules for introductory statistics and biology courses in this shell. Supplemental materials include a module on getting started with APEX, a promotional video that can be shared with students, materials for familiarizing students with Colab, Python resources for students, and a repository of instructor-created materials. 

APEX Training Workshops

To introduce faculty to the APEX program and to provide hands-on experience with our computing modules, we host an in-person workshop each summer as well as a virtual workshop each winter. The summer workshop spans two days; the first covers the basics of Python and Colab for those who are new to these tools, and the the second allows for hands-on practice with our statistics and/or biology modules. The winter workshop is a half-day virtual event that serves to provide instructors with development updates and the ability to test drive new modules.

Instructors interested in attending an APEX workshop can contact Valerie Carr at

APEX Faculty Learning Communities

We proudly partner with several community colleges across the state of California to support APEX faculty learning communities (FLCs). In the fall semester, faculty participants work through the Python Training for Faculty course and plan to incorporate APEX content into their courses. The following spring, they adopt one or more APEX modules, implement inclusive teaching practices, and evaluate their experiences.

If faculty at your institution are interested in forming an APEX FLC, please contact Belle Wei ( or Valerie Carr (