


CLFSA, in collaboration with community organizations and agencies, provide scholarship awards to assist students attain their degrees at San Jose Staté University. Lack of adequate financial support is one of the most significant barriers to successful college completion. You have an opportunity to help us provide financial assistance to deserving students.

CLFSA and YOU make the Difference...

You or your company can make a commitment to the pursuit of academic excellence and community involvement through your vital financial contributions to student scholarships. With the cost of education (tuition, books, room and board) well over $16,000 a year, scholarship aid is a top priority for our association.

Cash gifts are a direct means for supporting our students. CLFSA through the 91ÁÔÆæ Foundation is a charitable organization whose gifts are tax deductible. Matching Gifts can multiply your contribution. Many companies have a matching gift program where your donations are matched thereby increasing your contribution to our fund. The entire contribution is distributed as scholarships.


Endowment contributions to our Dr. Ernesto Galarza Endowment Fund are also accepted. The interest generated from our Endowment fund is used toward scholarships. Cash gifts are accepted and 91ÁÔÆæ employees are able to provide monthly contributions through a payroll deduction program.

Chicano Libary Resource Collection

CLFSA supports the Africana, Asian American, Chicano and Native American Studies Center (AAACNA) at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Library. Dedicated in 1982, the AAACNA has provided a single focus for books, periodicals, reference tools, pamphlets, and clippings relating to Mexican American history, culture, and community. Cash gifts are accepted and 91ÁÔÆæ employees are able to provide monthly contributions through a payroll deduction program by contacting the Tower Foundation.
New books at the .

CLFSA Operating Fund

CLFSA accepts donation into their operating fund so we can continue our work. The funds from this account are used to sponsor our annual scholarship event and other educational programming. Cash gifts are accepted and 91ÁÔÆæ employees are able to provide monthly contributions through a payroll deduction program by contacting the Tower Foundation.

Cash Donations

Make your checks payable to Tower Foundation of 91ÁÔÆæ.

Please indicate to which fund you would like to donate using your check memo:

Donation Account Check Memo Note
Dr. Ernesto Galarza Endowment Galarza Endowment
Dr. Ernesto Galarza Scholarship Galarza Scholarship
CLFSA Emergency Scholarship Fund CLFSA Emergency Scholarship Fund
Chicano Library Resource Collection Chicano Library Resource Collection
CLFSA Operating Fund Chicano/Latino Faculty and Staff Assocation

Mail to or contact one of the following CLFSA members:

Kathryn Blackmer Reyes
San Jose State University
University Library - 0028
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192-0118

Blanca Millan, CLFSA Treasurer
San Jose State University
Office of Admissions & Outreach
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192-0016