Program Structure

The School of Innovation and Global Leadership Honors curriculum offers a challenging learning experience that combines academic rigor with practical experience. You will learn in small classes and work in groups of highly motivated and accomplished peers, who will spur you on to new heights.

The Honors curriculum comprises two courses:

Honors Seminar (BUS5 169A)

This course introduces students to seminal thinkers in Entrepreneurship, International Business and Operations. The objective of this seminar-style honors course is to broaden students’ understanding of these fields. A main focus is to improve students' analytical thinking skills, as part of preparation for professional careers or graduate school. The course is cross-disciplinary, drawing on readings from all three disciplines in the concentration.  Students will be trained in basic research methods for business including interview, survey and secondary data analysis. Students will apply these readings and analytical capabilities to a mini-project which will be carried out as a team. The written paper required in this course normally satisfies the requirement of the Honors Program to complete a scholarly paper prior to graduation with honors.

Practicum (BUS5 169B)

This course provides an applied practical experience under the supervision of a faculty member for students admitted to the Honors Program. This will involve working as part of a team of students with a local company or organization on a consulting project, to be determined by the company and the supervising faculty member. Participation in the project will be unpaid. The teams will meet once a week with the supervising faculty member and with the sponsoring organization. While Bus5 169B projects are normally performed in teams of two-to-four SGIL students, they may also be asked to participate in cross-functional teams with other Honors Program students. Information for prospective sponsors can be found on the Business Honors Program web pages. Bus5 169B students have worked on projects for a range of nationally known companies, including Cisco, eBay, IBM, and Safeway, as well as for early stage and high growth startups. We have also worked for nonprofits and government agencies, including the City of San Jose, City of Mountain View, and SolarTech. 

For more information, please contact Dr. Nathaniel Lupton for BUS5 169A and Dr. Anuradha Basu for BUS5 169B.