Course Numbers
To determine which course numbers are appropriate for use as you develop a new course, utilize the course filter at in the "Course Descriptions" section for courses with the desired prefix or subject. Be sure to adhere to the numbering standard:
- 1-99 Lower Division Courses (Freshmen and Sophomores)
Lower division courses are numbered 1-99 and should be designed for freshmen and sophomores. Many lower division courses have articulation agreements secured with California community colleges. The articulation agreements that are available, as well as General Education (GE) articulation agreements. Visit the webpage for more information.
- 100-199 Upper Division Courses (Juniors and Seniors)
Upper division courses are numbered 100-199 and should be designed for juniors and seniors. It is recommended that upper division have a minimum prerequisite of upper division standing. Articulation agreements are available between university to university and other regionally accredited college and universities. Visit the webpage for more information.
- 200-299 Master's Courses
Master's courses are numbered 200-299. Graduate level instruction is defined by and .
- 300-499 Methods / Professional / Continuing Education Units
Courses in the 300 and 400-series are especially designed for professional in-service and relicensure purposes. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are given for these courses. Courses are not applicable to degree programs and units earned do not affect grade point totals or average. These courses given by or for other departments are allowed upper division credit and are numbered 300-499.
- 500-599 Doctoral Courses
Doctoral courses are numbered 500-599. Graduate level instruction is defined by and .
- 180 Individual Study and 184 Directed Reading
Individual Studies (180) and Directed Reading (184) are used for independent study and are generally reserved for majors within a department. Normally, no more than four units of 180 and/or 184 may be taken for baccalaureate credit.
- 96, 196, 296, and 596 Experimental Courses
Courses numbered 96, 196, 296, and 596 are offered to meet special demands for experimental courses on a temporary basis and are listed in the Schedule of Classes, but not in the academic catalog.
- 1000 No Degree Credit
Courses in the 1000-series do not earn credit toward any degree program. Examples: remedial courses and units devoted to thesis, project, or dissertation beyond minimum required units. (Effective May 30, 2016)