Antiracism and Racial Justice Resources
Lurie College is committed to addressing and uprooting racism, racial injustice, and racial inequity in our community, policies, and practices so we've compiled a sampling of resources for our students, alumni, faculty, staff, and partners to utilize in their pursuit of antiracism, racial justice, and racial equity.
Articles and Digital Resources
- by Debra Viadero on EducationWeek
- by Stephen Sawchuk and Catherine Gewertz on Education Week
- by Farima Pour-Khorshid
- by Catherine Halley on JSTOR Dailey
- on National Council of Teachers of English
- on The Atlantic
- by Adrienne van der Valk on Teaching Tolerance
- by Jamilah Pitts on Teaching Tolerance
- by Katrina Michie on Pretty Good Design
Books and Reading Lists
- by Ibram X. Kendi on The New York Times
- by Bree Picower and Rita Kohli
- by Muhammad Khalifa
- by Django Paris
- by Leigh Patel
- by Mica Pollack
- by Ibram X. Kendi
- by Ruha Benjamin
- by Maurianne Adams
- by Oakland Public Library
- by Subini Ancy Annamma
- by Jessica Grose on The New York Times
- by Bettina Love
Conferences and Symposia
- on Better Leaders Better Schools
- on Teaching Tolerance
Social Media
- | Center for Antiracist Research
- | Educators for Antiracism
- | Educators for Justice
- | No More Exclusions
- | Center for Racial Jusice in Education
- | Restoring Racial Justice
- | Rethinking Schools
- | Social Justice Books
- | Parenting and Education through a Critical Race Lens
- | Coalition of Anti-Racist Educators
- | Disrupt Texts
- | No More Exclusions
- | Rethinking Schools
- | Social Justice Books
- by Edutopia
- by Haymarket Books
- by That Special Educator
- by Emancipatory Education Now
- by American University School of Education
- webinar series
- by Emancipatory Education Now
- by Na'ilah Suad Nasir at AERA
- by Noelle Picara at TEDxYouth@UrsulineAcademy
- by Harvard Graduate School of Education
- by International Literacy Association
- by Black Linguistic Justice
- by Education for Liberation Network
- by Christopher Emdin at TEDxBerkeley
- by The Book Boat