Prospective Students
Discover More About Our Department
Why Study With Us?
Explore how our department excels and see why you should consider us in your search
for universities. See what makes us unique.
Undergraduate EE Admissions
Find out what Electrical Engineering is all about and see why this is the right program
for you. We’ll show you everything there is to know about the major and give you resources
to apply for admission. Visit our page for Prospective Undergraduates.
Graduate EE Admissions
Learn why San José State is the perfect place to earn your Master’s degree. Explore
our facilities, our research opportunities, and see how you can play a part in shaping
the future of technology. Visit our page for Prospective Graduates.
Joint MS Program in Quantum Technology
Under the sponsorship of National Science Foundation (NSF), the Electrical Engineering
and Physics departments have developed a joint Master of Science program in Quantum
International Academic Agreements
The Electrical Engineering Department has academic agreements with several foreign
institutions that qualified students from these institutions can be admitted to the
EE degree programs as transfer students or taking EE courses as open university students.