Mission and Vision

The establishment of the IAEP Center on June 1, 2023, realizes the dream of an independent Center at San José State that will provide stakeholders and providers in California’s TK-12 systems of support. We began this journey with a multi-year grant from the CSU Chancellor’s Office in partnership with Cal State Long Beach in 2020. Our laser focus remains on those who serve at-promise students such as youth in foster care in California’s TK-12 systems of support. Learn more about our history.
The purpose of the IAEP Center is to bring more coherence and linkages between systems of support for at-promise students across the public education system. Learn more about why we serve, the challenges we address, and what we offer those who are ready to work together from interprofessional, multidisciplinary perspectives.
Learn more about how we build interlinking ecosystems, facilitate applied research to practice, and design, construct, and curate quality playbook-ready materials, resources, and services.