MBA Curriculum

The College of Business offers the MBA program in two formats. Both the Early Career MBA and MBA for Professionals formats allow you to choose four electives in areas that interest you. These electives supplement a core of eleven courses and two prerequisite courses. Each MBA program consists of a total of fifteen courses (42 units) in addition to the two prerequisites. Coursework follows a progression.

Prerequisite Courses

Depending on a student's previous academic preparation, zero to two prerequisite courses may be required. The required prerequisites are a grade of B or higher in economics (can be Microeconomics or Macroeconomics or Principles of Economics) and statistics. Any of the two foundation courses may be waived through evidence of recent prior coursework.

MBA for Professionals

Core Courses

There are eleven required courses (30 units). The core courses are often prerequisites to electives. Also, BUS 220 is a prerequisite to BUS 270. The final course in the program is BUS 290, Strategic Thinking. This capstone course requires department approval.

Course Number/Course Name

  •  OR  OR

Early Career MBA

Core Courses

There are eleven courses (30 units). The core courses are often prerequisites to electives. Also, BUS 220 is a prerequisite to BUS 270. The final course in the program is BUS 290, Strategic Thinking. This capstone course requires department approval.

Course Number/Course Name

  • OR


Students must take a minimum of four classes (12 units) of elective course work. Elective courses are offered in the following disciplines:

  • Accounting
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Organizational Development
  • Global Business Development
  • Entrepreneurship & Venture Development
  • Information Systems
  • Operations Management