
image of SH 106

General Academic Advising

In addition to support from their academic departments, Lurie College undergraduate and graduate students can meet with the Student Success Center academic advisors for questions about registration, degree progress, forms/petitions, academic notice, disqualification, and university policies.

We are currently scheduling advising appointments, and are happy to meet in person, by phone, or Zoom. 

Schedule An Academic Advising Appointment

1. Go to the website
2. Select the blue Appointments, Drop-ins, and Workshops & Events button 
3. Select the appropriate advising service.
4. Select LCOE Student Success Center as the location for the appointment
5. Choose a date, time, and modality (in-person or Zoom) that works for you and confirm your appointment
6. You will receive an email with instructions prior to your appointment date

Attend Drop-in Advising Hours

Drop-in advising is designed for quick questions for an advisor (10 min. max) 

Lower division advising (59 units or less): General Education Course Planning. 

  • Virtual Drop-in Advising: Tuesdays 3pm-4pm
  • In-person Drop-in Advising: Mondays 3pm-4pm, Wednesdays 10am-11:00am, and Thursdays 9am-10am


Upper division advising (60 units or more): General Education Course Planning, Change of Major into and outside the College of Education, and Policies and Procedures. 

  • Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am-11am, and Wednesdays 2pm-3pm