About Us

Public Health Students Multicultural Wellness

About Public Health and Recreation

We are fortunate to live in one of the most beautiful, innovative, and diverse regions of the world. Our faculty, staff, students, and alumni reflect that diversity, and we are proud to embrace it as a central part of who we are.

Our accredited Recreation Program has the strong legacy of its influential history since 1947. Our innovative, highly ranked Master of Public Health (MPH) Program (campus and online formats), established in 1970, is one of the first in the country outside of a school of public health, accredited since 1974. Our increasingly popular Undergraduate Public Health Program provides preparation for public health careers in governmental, private, and non-profit sectors to plan, manage, and evaluate public health services in both community and clinical settings. We share a proud history of leadership, research, service, and innovation.

The partnership of public health and recreation that has been happening as a pioneer in our department/college at 91ÁÔÆæ is actually part of a larger movement nationwide and beyond. More and more, interdisciplinary community health initiatives include public health and recreation partners, along with other allied health partners. As recreation professionals make key contributions to public health advocacy and interventions, health professionals are also better understanding and implementing the importance of meaningful leisure and recreation as a key determinant of health. Public health concepts such as the social determinants of health, health equity, and health disparities are among strong influencers of recreation practices, especially from social justice perspectives.

Progressively, we are at the forefront of transformation. What a great time to be studying and being part of Public Health and Recreation! We are very fortunate to be located in a region rich with innovative community-based public health initiatives and activities. As a major force for these initiatives and actions, Public Health and Recreation alumni are leaders in many of the local/regional health, recreation, and community service agencies in interdisciplinary, transprofessional settings. Their colleagues regularly join them in support of our department's classroom instructions, internships/community-service learning, engaged applied research, and professional development.

Accordingly, our PHR department embraces and benefits greatly from the engagement with our students, our alumni, and our community and professional partners not only in San Jose and Northern California, but also nationally and globally!

Follow us on @phr_sjsu

Contact Information

The Public Health and Recreation (PHR) Department Office is located in Spartan Complex SPXC 211 on 91ÁÔÆæ's main campus

The best form of contact is email. Please be advised Department Staff and Student Assistants do not provide student advising. For advising questions and concerns, please visit the Advising website.

Main PHR Office
Spartan Complex 211
MPH Office
Spartan Complex 201


To help support the Public Health and Recreation Department and our students, please consider donating. Please visit . Any amount is greatly appreciated!