

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Integrate multidisciplinary knowledge to engage in practical data analytics projects, from analyzing requirements to managing data, building models, presenting results and assessing societal impacts.
  2. Identify, use, and evaluate current and emerging multidisciplinary data analytics technologies and tools.  
  3. Apply effective oral and written communication skills necessary to professional work including collaboration and presentation to multidisciplinary audiences.
  4. Perform research in applying data analytics to specific domains.
  5. Utilize quantitative skills from a rich foundation of essential knowledge to solve complex, dynamic, and practical data analytics problems in various professional domains.  
  6. Work productively as individuals and in teamwork to perform data analytics tasks as part of a multidisciplinary team.
  7. Identify ways in which data analytics professionals can contribute to the cultural, economic, educational, and social well-being in diverse and multicultural local, national, and global contexts.
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