Funding Sources

San José State University
College of Science - Infusion Start-Up Seed Grant (2021-2023), Just in Time Funding (2019). Office of Research - Central Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity (RSCA) Grants (2018-2019 and 2019-2020). Office of Research - Research and Innovation Student RSCA Fellowships - Ann Bargstadt (2021-2022), Kathleen Huynh (2023-2024, 23-SRF-08-054), Dakota Balcer (2024-2025, 24-SRF-08-078). Student RSCA Assistantship (2023, 23-SRA-08-049). Center for Faculty Development - Undergraduate Research Awards - Dana Wong (2018-2019) and Tyler Devincenzi (2019-2020).

CSU Program for Education & Research in Biotechnology (CSUPERB)
New Investigator Grant (2018-2019). Presidents' Commission Scholar Awards - Derscene Tien (2019), Dalia Cruz (2023), and Mason Woo (2024). Student Travel Award - Victoria Tafuri (2019).
Department of Defense
DoD Research and Education Program for HBCU/MI Equipment/Instrumentation "Acquisition of an X-ray Diffractometer for Research and Teaching in the Physical Sciences" (co-PI, 2019) W911NF1910520.

National Science Foundation
NSF Launching Early-Career Academic Pathways in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences "LEAPS-MPS: Confinement of Organometallic Complexes within Structured Polymers for Site-Isolated Tandem Catalysis." (PI, 2021-2024) CHE 2137584. NSF Major Research Instrumentation Program "MRI: Acquisition of Gel Permeation Chromatograph with Multiple Detectors to Expand Capabilities for Macromolecular Characterization." (lead PI, 2019-2022) CHE 1917786. NSF Major Research Instrumentation Program "MRI: Track 1 Acquisition of a 500 MHz NMR Spectrometer to Enhance Research and Student Training Capabilities at 91ÁÔÆæ and Neighboring Institutions." (lead PI, 2024-2027) CHE 2407935.

National Institutes of Health
NIH NIGMS R15 AREA "Metallopolymers as Functional Metalloprotein Mimics with Secondary Coordination Sphere Interactions" (PI, 2020-2024) 1R15GM132857-01A1.