Math Pathways
- STEM Pathways
- Statistic Pathways
Enrolling in the four Statistics options below requires a Math Enrollment Category, M-I or M-II.
Note: BUS2 90 is not a GE course
For Math Enrollment Categories M-III and M-IV, you will choose from the two supported options below.
*Accepted in all majors **NOTE: SOCI 15 -Supported for M-II, not supported for M-IV
- Non-STEM Math Pathways
To enroll in the two Non-STEM options below you must have a Math Enrollment Category M-I or M-II.
For Math Enrollment Categories M-III and M-IV, you will choose from the five supported options below.
+ (CS 1022AS)
+ (PHIL 9W)
+ (MATH 1010AS)
+ (MATH 1010DS)
+ (MATH 1010PS)*These courses are interchangeable for grade forgiveness