Child Welfare Social Work

The goal of child welfare is to promote the well-being, permanency, and safety of children and families by helping families care for their children successfully or, when that is not possible, helping children find permanency with kin or adoptive families.

Learn more about the history of the California Social Work Education Center (CalSWEC) and the goals of the Title IV-E Program.

Want to learn more about our Title IV-E Stipend Programs? Take a look at our mission and what we hope to accomplish by providing monetary support for graduate students pursuing their Master’s in Social Work.

If you are interested in applying for the Title IV-E Program, please view the application in addition to instructions and deadlines. Also, take a look at important guidelines regarding your statement of intent and resume.

See some of the groundbreaking research done by our amazing Title IV-E program recipient students.

If you’re looking for additional resources for finding employment and resources opportunities, please take a look at our dedicated page.

See what our child welfare students are up to.