The Board of Directors manages its activity and oversight through a series of standing
committees and ensures close coordination with the university's priorities. Meeting
agendas are posted on this page one week prior to each meeting.
There are six Tower Board committees:
- Executive Committee
- Nominating and Governance Committee
- Finance and Investment Committee
- Audit Committee
- Development Committee
- Compensation Committee
Executive Committee
The Tower Foundation Executive Committee is comprised of the board officers, most recent past chairman, committee chairpersons, the University President, Chief Executive Officer, and the Chief Operating Officer, who has no vote. The chairman of the board serves as the chair of the executive committee. The committee has the power and performs the duties of the Board between Board meetings, except as otherwise provided by law, the articles of incorporation, the by-laws or by resolution of the Board.
Members of the committee for fiscal year 24/25:
- Phillip R. Boyce, Board Chair
- Connie Moore, Board Vice Chair & Development Chair
- Dr. Cynthia Teniente-Matson, 91ÁÔÆæ President
- William Barton, Audit Chair
- Wanda Hendrix, Treasurer
- Eric Kelly, Nominating and Governance Chair
- Judy Nagai, CEO
- Jeff Ricci, Finance and Investment Chair
Nominating and Governance Committee
The Tower Foundation Nominating and Governance Committee works to identify, interview and recommend potential board members who enhance the quality and visibility of the board. Additionally, the committee recommends an ongoing program of training to enable members to discharge their duties as individuals and as a board.
Members of the committee for fiscal year 24/25:
- Eric Kelly, Chair
- Judy Nagai, CEO & Vice-Chair
- John Baird
- Phil Boyce
- Steve Caplan
- Constance Moore
- Gary Radine
- Marko Trapani
Finance and Investment Committee
The Tower Foundation Finance and Investment Committee monitors, evaluates and makes decisions on behalf of the Board with respect to all investments of the corporation. The committee reviews and recommends to the board, the investment objectives and the endowment spending policy for the university. The committee also assists the board with policy setting responsibilities related to investments by analyzing policy matters and making recommendations for the board's approval.
Members of the committee for fiscal year 24/25:
- Jeff Ricci, Chair
- Wanda Hendrix, Vice Chair
- Folarin Erogbogbo
- Charlie Faas, VP of Administration and Finance/CFO
- Stoyu Ivanov, Faculty Member
- Mark Lazzarini
- Judy Nagai, CEO
- Ed Oates
- Kevin Swanson
Audit Committee
The Tower Foundation Audit Committee consists of members from the Tower Foundation Board of Directors and the university. The committee monitors, evaluates and makes decisions on behalf of the board with respect to all audit-related matters for the Tower Foundation. In addition, the committee assists the board with all of its policy setting responsibilities related to audits and internal controls by analyzing policy matters and making recommendations for the board's approval. It also reviews and recommends to the board the audit team to be hired by the Tower Foundation to conduct the annual audit and preparation of financial statements.
Members of the committee for fiscal year 24/25:
- William Barton, Chair
- Charlie Faas, VP of Administration and Finance/CFO and Vice-Chair
- Wanda Hendrix
- Linda Morasch
- Sarab Multani
- Judy Nagai, CEO (non-voting)
- Karthika Sasikumar
Development Committee
The Tower Foundation Development Committee engages and provides leadership in fundraising for the University. A primary focus of committee members is to open doors and facilitate conversations with prospective donors, assisting with the solicitation of major and transformational gifts to benefit the University.
Members of the committee for fiscal year 24/25:
- Constance Moore, Chair
- Phillip R. Boyce
- Stephen Caplan
- Vincent Del Casino
- Eric Kelly
- Janikke Klem
- Judy Nagai, CEO
- Edward Oates
- Marko Trapani
- Colleen Wilcox
Compensation Committee
The Tower Foundation Compensation Committee meets as and when required.
Members of the committee for fiscal year 24/25:
- Phillip R. Boyce, Board Chair
- Constance Moore
- Jeff Ricci