Transfer of Entitlement
Who Can Transfer Entitlement
Individuals allowed to transfer entitlement are those who, after approval by the service secretary concerned: (1) have completed six (6) years of service in the Armed Forces and (2) either have a critical military skill designated by the Secretary for transferability purposes; or are in a military specialty designated by the Secretary concerned for transferability purposes as requiring critical military skills; and (3) enter into an agreement to serve at least four (4) more years as members of Armed Forces.
When the Transferred Entitlement Can Be Used
For a spouse, transferred entitlement may not be used until the transferring person completes six (6) years of service in the Armed Forces; or, in case of a child, the completion of ten (10) years of service by the transferring person and, either the completion by the child of the requirements of a secondary school diploma (or equivalency certificate) or the attainment by the child of 18 years of age
Find out if you can transfer any of your Post-9/11 benefits to your spouse or dependent children at the web page.