For 100w Coordinators
100w Program Descriptions
The Many Flavors of 100w
What are they doing over in Communication 100W? In Geography 100W? Take a look and let us know what you think. And please feel free to borrow ideas and share your own.
- (Program Description by Kathleen McConnell.)
- (Program Description by Jesse Goodman.)
- (Program Description by Faustina DuCros, Wendy Ng, and Rachel Bryant-Anderson. Please send comments, questions, and requests for additional information to Faustina DuCros (
100w Program Assessment Plans
How Can We Assess Our Programs?
And do it in useful, worthwhile ways? Here are some ideas developed by our colleagues from all across campus, as part of their work for recent WAC seminars. Please feel free to take a look and share your ideas as well.
- Communication Studies 100W Assessment Plan (Developed by Kathleen McConnell.)
- Global Studies/Geography 100W Assessment Plan (Developed by Jesse Goodman.)
- Sociology 100W Assessment Plan (Developed by Faustina DuCros, Wendy Ng, and Rachel Bryant-Anderson. Please send comments, questions, and requests for additional information to Faustina DuCros.)