Sponsors: Arts Materials & Ephemera

In order by Sponsor Name:

American Beethoven Society Executive Board, in honor of Mallory Olson (1/2011)

Anonymous, in memory of Dr. Franz Carl Jahoda
(b. Vienna, Austria 9/16/1930, d. Santa Fe, NM 6/21/2012):
 in Vienna

Jeff Anderson (12/2011):
 by Paul Leyendecker

Julie A. Amsden (7/2017):
Original programs from the 19th century (COMING IN EARY 2020)

Lorenz Arfsten, in honor of Oluf & Christine Arfsten (9/2012):
 near Vienna

David von Aspern (4/2011):
by Julius Schmid

Brian Bagnall (9/2010):
 of Beethoven
 by Alex. Schindler
Engraving of the 
Engraving of the 

Poundie Burstein (8/2011):
Color engraving of the  1809

Amy Carr-Richardson in honor of Cecilia Richardson (1/2013):
 in Vienna

Ellis M. Chernoff:
Vienna:  (6/2012)
Vienna: (6/2012)

Dr. Michael Condie in memory of Mildred Hall, his high school piano teacher (6/2012)
 by Max Wulff

Dr. Paul Ellison (9/2016):

Carl Fehlandt (9/2010):
 by Schweninger

John N. Fiske, in memory of Stephen B. Fiske (12/2010):
 engraved by Alex Marx

A Eugene Fisler, Jr. (12/2012):

Philip John Flook in memory of Sarah Flook (5/2014):
 of Beethoven

Marsha Frauenthal, in honor of Dr. Richard L. Sogg (8/2010):
 by Lorenz Vogel
by August Borckmann

John E. Gardella, M.D., in honor of Prof. Carl J. Fehlandt
 of Beethoven

William and Shirley George, in memory of Lt. Col. Harry F. Cocciola, USAF (4/11:)
Map of the 
Map of 
Map of 
Map of 
Map of 
Map of 
Map of 
Map of 
Map of 
Map of 

Dale J. Goldmann (12/2010):
 by Hirschenhauser

James Green (2/2014):
 by Radnitzky
 by Lafleur
 by Coutin
 by Dropsy
 by Focht
 by Focht
 by Reményi
 by Mendes

Robert G. Haller (11/2013):

Ellsworth Hall (5/2014):

Gavin Holt (12/2012):
In memory of Doris (Delia) Carmichael, "my loving grandmother, who first introduced me to this great man:"
 based on portrait by Decker
 by August von Kloeber

Jann Holwick (9/2016):
 of the Pasqualatihaus

Lane Jimison, in honor of Dr. and Mrs. William George (7/2010:
 based on the engraving by Neidl

Susan Kagan (8/2013):
In memory of Gerald Kagan: Portrait of 

Robert W. Ketchum (1/2013):
 April 7, 1827

Kathy Obert
In honor of Dr. Hanns-Bertold Dietz (9/2010):

 by Karl Bauer
In memory of Msgr. Ignatius D. McDermott, Archdiocese of Chicago Catholic Charities (2/2011):
 with autograph quotation from Beethoven's Fourth Piano Concerto
In memory of Emil Vandes (9/2010):
 by Junker
 by Batt
In memory of George Bliss, Pulitzer-prize winning investigative reporter for the Chicago Tribune (9/2011):
 by Ferdinand Schimon
In memory of Jascha Heifetz (her inspiration as a young violinist) (11/2011)
 by A. Borckmann
In honor of Christoph von Dohnányi (12/2012)
Engraving of 
In honor of Pope Benedict XVI, "a pianist who loves the world's great music" (6/2014)
 In memory of Fritz Reiner (12/2014)
 In memory of Marlee Glodzik Dietz (8/2015)

Dominique Prevot (9/2010):
 by Desmaisons
 by Masson, Deblois and Massard

Robert Rountree:
 by Reyher (11/2010)
 by Schimon (11/2010)
 by Gellert (11/2010)
 by Dake (12/2012)
 by Carl Schütz (12/2012)
 from 1840 (12/2012)

In memory of Dean Smith Jr.:
 by Beliani (11/2013)
 by Franzen (11/2013)
s from 1841 (11/2013)
 in 1824 (11/2013)

James Rygelski (11/2010):
 in the meadows

Harry Sandler (2/2011):
 with poem

Dr. Richard L. Sogg (7/2010):
 by Binenbaum
 by C. Fischer
 by Krausse
 by Lyser
 from Das Pfennig-Magazin
 by Reyner
 by Tejcek
 by Oppler
Portrait of Portrait of 
Portrait of 

 by Schiavonetti
Portrait of 
near Vienna
 near Vienna

Patricia Stroh (7/2010):

Robert Supencheck (10/2013):
 from 1825
 from 1826

Frederick Thompson (12/2010):
 by Schlösser

Rosemary Thorne (2/2011):
 with autograph quotation from Beethoven's Appassionata Sonata

Louis Vargo:
Engraving of (8/2011)
 by Mayer (8/2013)

Alex Wang, in honor of Mr. Hans Boepple (4/2011):
 by Moritz Rödig

Mary Ann Whitehurst, in honor of Dr. William Meredith (9/2017):
New acquisitions (coming in March 2020)

Nancy and Ken Wiener (9/2010):
Engraving of the 
Engraving of the 

Phoebe Wise in memory of Nathan Daniel Allender (6/2012):