Curriculum Overview

B.S. in Biomedical Engineering

The curriculum consists of three components:

The plan of study was last revised with the introduction of a new catalog in Fall 2021. One major difference with the older catalog is the increase in the offering frequency for several high-enrollment junior and senior courses.

University Requirements
Students must satisfy all of the major and Undergraduate University Graduation Requirements, which includes unit, GPA, and residency requirements as well as the below identified General Education, American Institutions, Graduation Writing Assessment and Physical Education requirements. Courses that meet Undergraduate University Graduation Requirements are noted with an area designation (see Course Abbreviations).

Exceptions for University Graduation Requirements apply to this major.

Core Lower Division General Education (9 units)
Of the 39 units required by the university, 30 units may be satisfied by the coursework outlined below. Courses that meet GE Areas A1, A2, A3 or B4 must be passed with a “C-” or better to meet the requirement. Consult with GE advisor at the Engineering Student Success Center (ESSC)  for details.

Upper Division General Education
Of the 9 units required by the university, 9 units may be satisfied by the coursework outlined below. Consult with GE advisor at the Engineering Student Success Center (ESSC) for details.

American Institutions (6 units)
Complete one 6 unit sequence of American Institutions (US123) courses, which also satisfies GE Area D. Students may also satisfy the American Institutions Requirement with other courses, but these may not satisfy other GE areas.

The American Studies (AMS 1A/AMS 1B; 12 units) and Humanities Honors (HUM 1A/HUM 1B/HUM 2A/HUM 2B; 24 units) sequences satisfy the American Institutions Requirement and additional GE Areas (see the course description for details).

Consult with a major advisor to select the appropriate sequence.

African American Studies (6 units)
AFAM 2A - African Americans and the Development of America’s History and Government 3 unit(s) (D)
AFAM 2B - African Americans and the Development of America’s History and Government 3 unit(s) (D+US123)

Asian American Studies (6 units)
AAS 33A - Asian Americans in U.S. History I 3 unit(s) (D)
AAS 33B - Asian Americans in U.S. History II 3 unit(s) (D+US123)

Chicana and Chicano Studies (6 units)
CCS 10A - Mexican Americans and the Development of U.S. History and Government 3 unit(s) (D)
CCS 10B - Mexican Americans and the Development of U.S. History and Government 3 unit(s) (D+US123)

U.S. History and Government (6 units)
HIST 15 - Essentials of U.S. History 3 unit(s) (D+US1)
POLS 15 - Essentials of U.S. & California Government 3 unit(s) (D+US23)

Physical Education
The Physical Education Requirement is waived for this major. See the Exceptions for University Graduation Requirements.

Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement
At 91, students must pass both the 91 Writing Skills Test (WST) and a 100W course. Exceptions to the GWAR may be found at Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR).

A grade of C or better (C- not accepted) is required to meet graduation requirement.

Major Preparation (45 units)
BIOL 30 - Principles of Biology I 4 unit(s) (B2+B3)
CHEM 1A - General Chemistry 5 unit(s) (B1+B3)
CHEM 1B - General Chemistry 5 unit(s) (B1+B3)
CHEM 8 - Organic Chemistry 3 unit(s)
CHEM 9 - Organic Chemistry Lab 1 unit(s)
ENGL 1A - First Year Writing 3 unit(s) (A2)
ENGL 1B - Argument and Analysis 3 unit(s) (C2) (or equivalent second semester composition course.)
MATH 30 - Calculus I 3 unit(s) (B4) (or MATH 30X)
MATH 31 - Calculus II 4 unit(s) (B4) (or MATH 31X)
MATH 32 - Calculus III 3 unit(s) (B4) (or MATH 32H or MATH 32X)
PHYS 50 - General Physics/Mechanics 4 unit(s) (B1+B3)
PHYS 51 - General Physics/Electricity and Magnetism 4 unit(s) (B1+B3)

Major Requirements (60 units)
Core Courses (11 units)
BME 25 - Introduction to Biomedical Engineering Design 2 unit(s)
BME 65 - Biomedical Applications of Statics 3 unit(s) (CE 95 or CE 99 also accepted)
ENGR 10 - Introduction to Engineering 3 unit(s) (E)
ENGR 100W - Engineering Reports 3 unit(s) (Z+R)

Major Courses (43 units)
BME 68 - Biomedical Applications of Metals and Ceramics 3 unit(s) (MATE 25 also accepted)
BME 115 - Foundations of Biomedical Engineering 4 unit(s)
BME 116 - Biosensors and Bioinstrumentation 3 unit(s) (EE 98 also accepted)
BME 117 - Biotransport Phenomena 3 unit(s)
BME 130 - Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 3 unit(s)
BME 133 - Programming Applications in Biomedical Engineering 1 unit(s)
BME 135 - Biomedical Engineering Design Methods 2 unit(s)
BME 147 - Quantitative and Statistical Methods for Biomedical Engineers 3 unit(s)
BME 165 - Applied Engineering Biomechanics 3 unit(s)
BME 168 - Medical and Biological Polymers 3 unit(s)
BME 174 - Biomedical Regulatory Requirements 3 unit(s)
BME 177 - Physiology for Engineers 3 unit(s)
BME 178 - Biomedical Product Realization 3 unit(s)
BME 198A - Senior Design Project I 2 unit(s) (S)
BME 198B - Senior Design Project II 2 unit(s) (V)
ENGR 195A - Global and Social Issues in Engineering 1 unit(s) (S)
ENGR 195B - Global and Social Issues in Engineering 1 unit(s) (V)

Technical Electives (6 units)
Electives must be selected from the approved departmental list in consultation with the student’s academic advisor.