Major Degree Requirements
The BA in Chicana and Chicano Studies, offered by the Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies, provides students an in-depth understanding of the discipline of Chicana/o Studies as well as skills and expertise to analyze and work with Chicanx-Latinx communities and the issues they face. The degree is divided into three areas: Cultural & Creative Expression, Institutions & Community Engagement, and Transnationalism & Global Relations.
Summary of Degree Units
University Graduation Requirements 50
Major Requirements 40
University Electives 30
Total 120
University Requirements
Students must satisfy all of the major and Undergraduate University Graduation Requirements, which includes unit, GPA, and residency requirements as well as the below identified General Education, American Institutions, Graduation Writing Assessment, and Physical Education requirements. Courses that meet Undergraduate University Graduation Requirements are noted with an area designation (see Course Abbreviations).
Core Lower Division GE (30 units)
Of the 39 units required by the university, 9 units may be satisfied by coursework outlined below. Courses that meet GE Areas A1, A2, A3, B4, or F must be passed with a “C-” or better to meet the requirement. Consult with the a major advisor for details.
Upper Division GE (9 units)
Of the 9 units required by the university, 0 units may be satisfied by coursework outlined below. Consult with the major advisor for details.
American Institutions (6 units)
Complete one 6-unit sequence of American Institutions (US123) courses, which also satisfies GE Area D. Students may also satisfy the American Institutions Requirement with other courses, but these may not satisfy other GE areas.
The American Studies (/AMS 1B; 12 units) and Humanities Honors (HUM 1A/HUM 1B/HUM 2A/HUM 2B; 24 units) sequences satisfy the American Institutions Requirement and additional GE Areas (see course descriptions for details).
Consult with a major advisor to select the appropriate sequence.
Chicana and Chicano Studies (6 units)
- CCS 10A - Mexican Americans and the Development of U.S. History and Government (3 units) (D)
- CCS 10B - Mexican Americans and the Development of U.S. History and Government (3 units) (D+US123)
Physical Education (2 units)
All 91 undergraduate students, regardless of major, have an opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills in physical activities. To accommodate students’ needs and interests, the university offers a diverse selection of activity courses.
Graduation Writing Assessment (3 units)
At 91, students must pass both the 91 Writing Skills Test (WST) and a Writing in the Disciplines (100W) course. Exceptions to the GWAR may be found in the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR) section. A grade of C or better (C- not accepted) is required to meet graduation requirements.
Major Requirements (40 units)
Lower Division Core (4 units)
- CCS 1 - Introduction to Chicana and Chicano Studies (3 units) (F)
- CCS 2 - Library Studies (1 unit)
Upper Division Core (15 units)
- CCS 125 - Chicana/o Community Studies (3 units)
- CCS 135 - Contemporary Chicana/o Issues (3 units)
- CCS 150 - Research Methods (3 units)
- CCS 151 - Theory in Chicana/o Studies (3 units)
- CCS 190 - Chicana/o Studies Capstone (3 units)
Additional Upper Division Courses (21 units)
All Majors will select a specific specialization area and will take 9 units (3 courses) in that area and 6 units (2 courses) in each of the other two areas for a total of 21 units.
Cultural and Creative Expression
- CCS 144 - Chicana/o Literature (3 units)
- CCS 145 - Chicana/o Folklife and Popular Culture (3 units)
- CCS 147 - Music in Mexican America (3 units)
- CCS 152 - The Story of Chicano Spanish (3 units)
- CCS 170 - Chicana/Chicano Film (3 units)
Institutions and Community Engagement
- CCS 115 - Chicana/o Families (3 units)
- CCS 127 - Chicanas/os and the Criminal Justice System (3 units)
- CCS 185 - Teaching in a Diverse Society (3 units)
Transnationalism and Global Relations
- CCS 105 - Chicanos: United States/Mexico Relations (3 units)
- CCS 120 - Political Economy and Chicana/o Communities (3 units)
- CCS 175 - Human Migrations: Global Reach (3 units)
University Electives (30 units)
Students may choose 9 3-unit university or Chicana and Chicano Studies electives. Students are encouraged to enroll in a minor or second major.