Audrey Shillington
Audrey M. Shillington is Dean for the College of Health and Human Sciences at San
José State University. Additionally, she is Professor of Epidemiology at the Colorado
School of Public Health at the University of Colorado, Denver. She came to 91 from
Colorado State University where she served as Director and Professor in the School
of Social Work as well as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Interim Associate
Dean for Research for the College of Health and Human Sciences.
Dr. Shillington was formerly Professor at San Diego State University for 15 years where she helped create the NIH funded Center for Alcohol and Drug Studies and Services and served as Associate Director. Additionally, she was a Research Investigator at the SDSU School of Public Health’s Center for Behavioral Epidemiology and Community Health involved in HIV/AIDS research.
She received her MSW and PhD from the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis. She was an NIMH Post-Doctoral Fellow and received a master's in Psychiatric Epidemiology from the School of Medicine at Washington University. She has published in the areas of psychometrics, epidemiology, prevention and intervention work aimed at adolescent and young adult risk behaviors. She has been PI and Co-Investigator on NIH NIDA, NIAAA, and state grants totaling over $14 million.
Her current work is focused on intervention and prevention work related to the changing landscape related to legalization of recreational marijuana use.
- M.P.E., 1993, Department of Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine
- Ph.D., 1991, The Brown School of Social Work, Washington University
- MSW, 1987, The Brown School of Social Work, Washington University
- B.A., 1982, Drury University
Areas of Interest: Adolescent and young adult risk behavior prevention and reduction, psychiatric epidemiology, psychometrics, alcohol and other drug use prevention and intervention.
Selected Publications
- Prince, MA, Tyskiewicz, AJ, Conner, BT, Parnes, JE, Shillington, AM, George, MW, Riggs,
NR. Mechanisms of change in an adapted marijuana e-CHECKUP TO GO intervention on
decreased college student cannabis use. Under review J Sub Abuse Treatment.
- Fetterling, TJ, Parnes, JE, Prince, MA, Conner, BT, George, MW, Shillington, AM, Riggs,
NR. Moderated mediation of the eCHECKUP TO GO college student marijuana use intervention.
Manuscript submitted for publication. (Under Review).
- Wallace, G. T., Conner, B. T., & Shillington, A. M. Classification trees identify
shared and distinct predictors of non-suicidal self-injury and suicidal ideation across
gender identities in emerging adults. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy (in press).
- Riggs, N. R., Parnes, J. E., Prince, M. A., Conner, B. T., George, M. W., Shillington,
A., & Coryell, A. Direct Effects of an Adapted Marijuana e-CHECKUP TO GO Intervention
Mediated by Decreases in College Student Use While Studying. (Under Review).
- Wallace, G. T., Parnes, J. E., Prince, M. A., Conner, B. T., Riggs, N. R., George,
M. W., & Shillington, A. M. Associations between marijuana use patterns and recreational
legislation changes in a large Colorado college student sample. Addiction Research
and Theory. Addiction Research and Theory. DOI:
- Wallace, G. T., Conner, B. T., & Shillington, A. M. (2019)Using Classification Trees
to Examine Predictors of Marijuana Use among a Wide Range of Variables. Substance Use and Misuse. 54(11), 1799-1811.
- Orsi, R, Yuma-Guerrero, P, Sergi, K, Pena, AA, Shillington, AM. (2018). Does the
overdose epidemic put children at risk for maltreatment? A study of United States
counties across the rural-urban continuum. Child Abuse and Neglect. 86, 358-367. doi:
- Riggs, N. R., Conner, B. T., Parnes, J. E., Prince, M. A., Shillington, A., & George,
M. W. (2018). Marijuana e-CHECKUP TO GO: Effects of a personalized normative feedback
intervention for college student heavy marijuana use. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 190, 13-19. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2018.05.
020 - Orsi, R, Brown, SM, Knight, KE, Shillington, AM. (2018). When children investigated
for maltreatment remain at home: Understanding well-being outcomes in relation to
parental substance use. Children and Youth Services Review. 84, 1180124. Online:
- Brown, S. M., & Shillington, A. M. (2017). Childhood adversity and the risk of substance
use and delinquency: The role of protective adult relationships. Child Abuse & Neglect. 63, 211-221.
- Begun, A. Clapp, J, Bowen, E, Berger, L, Carlson, J, Davis, J, Davis, T, DiNitto,
D, Freisthler, B, Gogineni, A, Hall, J, Hesselbrock, M, Hesselbrock, V, Holleran Steiker,
L, Krentzman, A, Kuerbis, A, Lewis, M, Loneck, B, Loughran, H, Malcolm, B, Manuel,
J, McCutcheon, V, Mendoza, N, Nissen, L, Murray, M, Nochajski, T, Resko, S, Ruderman,
D, Shillington, A, Straussner, L, Velasquez, M, Wagner, E. Reducing and Preventing
Negative Consequences Associated with Alcohol Misuse. Addiction. The Alcohol Misuse
Grand Challenge Collective. (2015). Preventing and reducing alcohol misuse and its
consequences: A grand challenge for social work (Grand Challenges for Social Work
Initiative Working Paper No. 17). Cleveland, OH: American Academy of Social Work and
Social Welfare. Also published as an opinion piece – Begun, A., & Clapp, J. (2016).
Reducing and preventing alcohol misuse and its consequences: A Grand Challenge for
social work. The International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research, 5(2), 73-83.
- Woodruff SI and Shillington AM. (2016). Sociodemographic and Drug Use Severity Differences
between Medical Marijuana Users and Non-Medical Users Visiting the Emergency Department.
The American Journal on Addictions. 25: 385-391. DOI: 10.1111/ajad.12401. **Paper selected by the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry as “high interest”
and chosen for continued medical education activities (one of 9 out of 1,000 examined
papers) 6.28.18.
- Woodruff SI, Cameron T, McCabe C, Hohman M, Clapp JD, Shillington AM, Eisenberg, K,
Sise CB, Castillo EM, Chan TC, & Sise MJ. (2016) Characteristics of cannabis-only
and other drug users who visit the emergency room. Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 1.1. DOI: 10.1089/can.2016.012.
- Woodruff SI, Clapp JD, Eisenberg K, McCabe C, Hohman M, Shillington AM, Sise CB, Castillo
EM, Chan TC, Sise MJ, & Gareri J. (2014). Randomized clinical trial of the effects
of screening and brief intervention for illicit drug use: The Life Shift/Shift Gears
study. Addiction Science and Clinical Practice. 9:8, DOI: 10.1186/1940-0640-9-8.
- Shillington, AM, Woodruff, SI, Clapp, JD, Reed, MB, Lemus, H. Self-Reported Age of
Onset and Telescoping for Cigarettes, Alcohol and Marijuana Across Eight Years of
the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. (2012). Journal Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse. 31 Aug 2012 (Online), 26 Sep 2012 (Print) DOI:10.1080/1067828X.2012.
710026. - Reed, MB, Clapp, JD, Weber, M, Trim, R, Lange, J, Shillington, AM. (2011). Predictors
of partying prior to bar attendance and subsequent BrAC. Addictive Behaviors. Nov 1;20(5):407-420.Doi.10.1016/j.
addbeh.2011.07.029. - Trim, R.S., Clapp, J.D., Reed, M.B., Shillington, A., Thombs, D. (2011). Drinking Plans and Drinking Outcomes: Examining Young Adult’s Weekend Drinking Behavior. J. Drug Education, 41 (3) 253-270.