Matthew Masucci
Matthew A. Masucci, Ph.D., is Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Student Success at San José State University
in the College of Health and Human Sciences. A faculty member at 91ÁÔÆæ since 2002,
Dr. Masucci has wide-ranging administrative and leadership experience and a broad
knowledge of University, college, and department programs and processes.
In addition to his other campus leadership roles, he served as the chair of the Department of Kinesiology from 2014-2018. In his various administrative positions, he has provided valuable contributions in curriculum development, program assessment, accreditation, strategic & program planning, and student success programs.
Along with his administrative responsibilities, he is actively involved in professional academic organizations and continues to collaborate on interdisciplinary scholarship that interrogates sport and physical activity through the lenses of cultural studies, philosophy, and critical sport studies.
- Ph.D. University of Tennessee – Cultural Studies in Education (Emphasis: Social-Cultural Foundations of Sport and Education)
- M.A. Ohio University - Philosophy (Emphasis: Sport Philosophy)
- B.A. Salisbury University – Liberal Studies (Minors: Philosophy & Psychology)
Areas of Interest:
- Qualitative research methodologies
- Critical negotiation and representation of sporting identity
- Doping issues in sport
- Sport, media, and technology
- Multidisciplinary investigation of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)
- The bicycle as medium for fitness and advocacy
- Sport and Marijuana/CBD use
Selected Publications
Masucci, M., & Falcous, M. (2024). Cycling tribes: lifestyles, values, and aesthetics. Annals of Leisure Research, 1-21.
Butryn, T. M., Masucci, M. A., & johnson, j. a. (2023). Mapping the geographies of combat sport during Covid: Dana White, Trumpism, and the landscapes of the UFC. In D. Andrews, H. Thorpe, and J. Newman (Eds.): Sport and Physical Culture in Global Pandemic Times: COVID Assemblages, (pp. 645-665). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Johnson, J., Masucci, M. A., & Chin, J. (2022). Is the Medium the Message?: A critical exploration at the intersection of social media, politics, collective action and the San José Bike Party. Annals of Leisure Research.
Butryn, T., Masucci, M. A., & Johnson, J. (2021). A "Notorious" Spectacle: A Critical Media Analysis of the "Money" Fight between Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather (pp. 231-254). In J. N. Rosen & L. Alexander (Eds.), The Circus Is in Town: Sport, Celebrity, and Spectacle Vol. V. Univ. Press of Mississippi.
Butryn, T. M., Masucci, M. A., & johnson, j. a. (2020). The Show Must Go On: The Strategy and Spectacle of Dana White’s Efforts to Promote UFC 249 During the Coronavirus Pandemic, International Journal of Sport Communication, 13 (3), 381-390.
Chin, J., Masucci, M. A., & Johnson, J. (2020). Keep it rolling: Examining the San José Bike Party with Methods on the Move. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 12 (2), 159-174.
Falcous, M., & Masucci, M. A. (2020). Myth and the Narrativisation of Cycle Racing in Popular Literature. Sport in Society, 23 (7), 1146-1162.
Masucci, M. A., Butryn, T. M. & Johnson, J. (2019). Knowledge of Doping Practices and Anti-doping Education Among Elite Professional Female Triathletes. Performance Enhancement & Health, 6 (3-4), 121-128.
Armstrong, C. G., Butryn, T. M., Andrews, V. L., & Masucci, M. A. (2018). Athlete activism and corporate social responsibility: Critical lessons from sport industry professionals. Sport Management Education Journal, 12 (2), 110-113.
Johnson, J., Masucci, M. A., & Signer-Kroeker, M. A. (2018). Everything Looks Better from the Seat of a Bike: A Qualitative Exploration of the San José Bike Party. Leisure/Loisir, 42 (2), 163-184.
Masucci, M. A., & Butryn, T. M. (2015). Caged quandaries: Mixed martial arts and the politics of research. In R. Schinke, & K. McGannon (Eds.), The psychology of sub-culture in sport and physical activity: Critical perspectives (pp. 170-184). East Sussex, UK: Routledge Press.
Masucci, M. A., & Butryn, T. M. (2013). Writing about fighting: A critical content analysis of newspaper coverage of The Ultimate Fighting Championship from 1993-2006. Journal of Sport Media, 8 (1), 19-44.
Johnson, J., Butryn, T., & Masucci, M. A. (2013). A focus group analysis of US and Canadian female triathletes’ knowledge of doping. Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics, 16 (5), 645-671.
Masucci, M. A. (2011). Pondering pedagogical possibilities: Physical education and the activation of critical service learning. In M. Miller, & J. Nendel, (Eds.), Service Learning in Physical Education and Other Related Professions: A Global Perspective (pp. 87-97). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
Lobesack, A., Kahanov, L., Masucci, M. A., & Roberts. J. (2010). Female Athletic Trainers' Perspectives on Parenthood in the Collegiate Employment Setting. Journal of Athletic Training, 45 (5), 459-466.
Johnson, J., & Masucci, M. A. (2009). No final victories: 40 years on the frontlines of race, sport, and culture – An interview with scholar/activist Dr. Harry Edwards. Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education, 3 (2), 233–252.
Butryn, T. M., & Masucci, M. A. (2009). Traversing the Matrix: Cyborg athletes, technology, and the environment. Special Issue on Sports and the Politics of Nature. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 33 (3), 285-307.