Bias Incident Resource Team Process

Please find below a current draft of the process that the Bias Incident Resource Team will follow to work with complaints that reach us.  

91ÁÔÆæ Bias Reporting Steps: 

Step 1: Receive Bias Incident Report 

  • Team reviews and determines appropriate route within 72 hours
  • Title IX/Equal Opportunity (), University Police Department (), Student Conduct and Ethical Development (SCED), the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI), and University Personnel (UP), can work with the team if they would like to include an educational sanction/outcome in their process  

Step 2: Planning

  • Once the report is determined to be a bias incident and not actionable for formal response: Reporting party will be contacted by a team member within 72 hours to determine  their optional participation in the process.
  • Team will honor anonymous reports and a reporter’s decision not to participate in  any process beyond submitting the report.

Step 3: Intervention 

  • Team member will work with the impacted parties which may include, but is not limited to: education, outreach, and or/a training.  

Step 4: Follow Up 

  • A team member will follow up with the reporter with incident outcome if necessary or desired. 

Step 5: Post Incident Data 

  • Team will track progress of the report and steps taken, that will be turned into a  formal case closed report. 
  • Team will keep data for the annual report and website.  

If at any point after Step 2, the Bias Response Team learns new or additional information that might indicate a violation of policies, regulations, or law, the Team would re-evaluate and hand off to the appropriate office. Individuals still reserve the right to file a complaint with any office. 

Reports can also be referred from Title IX/Equal Opportunity (Title IX/EO), University Police Department (UPD), Student Conduct and Ethical Development (SCED), the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI), and University Personnel (UP), and other community members to the Bias Incident Resource Team.