Spring 2025 Dialogue Series Meeting The Moment

The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion's (ODEI) InterGroup Dialogue (IGD) program is partnering with the Difficult Dialogues National Resource Center (DDNRC) to host two professional development sessions:

Meeting The Moment: Workshop Serieson Building Dialogue Skills During Adverse


Want to learn how to better discuss contentious issues during polarizing times? Join us in ODEI to participate in a two-part workshop series with advise and research-based strategies from dialogue professionals on navigating divisive topics in a productive manner.

Students, faculty, staff, and administrators are all welcome.

With the assistance of DDNRC, we will be participating along with other colleges and universities from across the country.

Workshop 1: Dialogue work in a Time of Resistance

  • Thursday, February 20th, 12:30pm-2pm, Admin Hall room 104

Workshop 2: Navigating Dialogue in a Time of Misinformation and Disinformation

  • Thursday, March 27th, 12:30pm-2pm, Admin Hall room 104 

Feel free to show up early with your brown bag lunch! We'll open the doors at 12 noon