Industry Partnerships

The location of our college in the heart of Silicon Valley promotes a win-win partnership with local industry.  Our industry partners provide incomparable opportunities for our students and faculty, and we value their insight into the demands of future engineers.  Current partnerships are described below.

Industry Chair Professorships

Industry chair professorships are typically five-year agreements with the Davidson College of Engineering to augment the teaching, scholarship, and professional services of an esteemed faculty member in areas of mutual interest to both parties.

  • California Water Service Co.
  • LAM Research (in negotiation)

Silicon Valley Leaders Symposium

Top business and technical leaders in Silicon Valley are invited to speak at a symposium open to the college and university. Current speaker line-up

Engineering Advisory Council (EAC)

The EAC provides counsel and assistance to the college in developing academic programs, outreach to prospective students, and fosters collaboration in joint research and continuing education. The EAC meets semi-annually in October and April. Current EAC membership

MESA Engineering Program Advisory Council

The MESA advisory council advises on programs for educationally disadvantaged and first-generation college students.  Current MESA Engineering Program Advisory Council membership

Corporate Degree and Certificate Programs

Corporate degree and certificate programs are customized based on company requirements.  The curriculum is co-developed by a joint steering committee, with emphases on hands-on learning and real-world application.  Classes can be delivered at the company site, virtually, or on-campus, and taught by faculty or company subject matter experts.  Employees can earn a certificate or a master's degree in under two years.  The corporate degree programs are housed in the office in the College of Engineering.