Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- What types of scholarship opportunities are at 91ÁÔÆæ?
There are three main sources of scholarships:
Campus Based Scholarships: The application period for campus based scholarships is from January through May 1. The application can be found at Scholarships when it is available.
Department Based Scholarships: The application for department based scholarships varies from major to major. Please check with the major department office for more information.
Private Scholarships: Scholarships are also available through private donors. Application requirements and deadlines vary.
- An outside donor or organization will be sending a scholarship check to 91ÁÔÆæ. Where
should the check be sent, and how soon will the money become available?
All scholarship checks should be mailed to the Financial Aid and Scholarship Office, Attn: Scholarship Coordinator, One Washington Square, San Jose, CA 95192-0036. Please make the scholarship check payable to San Jose State University.
Checks should include the student's 91ÁÔÆæ ID#. If the ID# is not available, please include first and last name as well as either the student's date of birth or last four digits of the student's social security number.
Funds will typically be posted to student's account within 7-10 business days of the check being received.
- Are there other scholarship opportunities besides here at 91ÁÔÆæ?
- YES! Be sure to check online scholarship search sites such as FastWEB and College Board. Also contact your high school, community center, employer or parent's employer, sorority/fraternity and or religious organization to see what scholarship opportunities they may provide. Beware of any scholarship opportunities that require a payment - scholarship funding does not require any repayment.
- Do students have to file a FAFSA to apply for scholarships?
- While a FAFSA is not needed to be considered for scholarships, 91ÁÔÆæ recommends that all students file a FAFSA to be eligible for as many scholarships as possible.
- Can international students apply for scholarships?
- International students can apply for any merit based scholarship at 91ÁÔÆæ. Be sure to check with outside donors about scholarship policies.
- Can a student receive scholarship payments if enrolled through Open University?
- No. Students cannot receive scholarship payments while in Open University. A student must be a matriculated student working towards a degree in order to receive aid.
- How can a parent get access to their students information
- The student can complete the Student Authorization to Release Information process. The student will designate who we can share information with for a specific period of time.