Department Process
Purpose of J-1 Exchange Visitor (EV) Program
The J-1 Exchange Visitor (EV) program promotes mutual understanding between the United States and other countries by means of educational and cultural exchange. The EV program provides foreign nationals with valuable opportunities to experience the U.S., thereby developing lasting and meaningful relationships. For more information visit: .
Institutional Requirements. The department must extend an academic appointment to the prospective J-1 exchange visitor. The academic appointment may be a courtesy appointment or a paid position.
Regulatory Requirement. A prospective exchange Professor, Short-Term Scholar, or Research Scholar is expected to have completed at least a bachelor's degree with appropriate experience in the field in which research or teaching is to be conducted. A J-1 Professor or Research Scholar cannot hold tenure or be placed in a position "on a tenure track."
The department or faculty sponsor will provide assistance to the Exchange Visitor (EV) upon arrival at 91ÁÔÆæ. The proposed activity is suitable for the EV's background, needs, and/or experience. The exchange visitor and any family members are required to have sufficient funding for their period of stay. The EV is aware of the health insurance requirement and is clear as to who is responsible for paying for insurance premiums. The EV will engage only in activities that are consistent with the intended program while at 91ÁÔÆæ. Inform ISSS when conditions of financial support change, there is a position or appointment title change, early completion or termination of program, or the EV will be outside the U.S. for more than 30 days.
In addition, the Faculty Sponsor ensures that the Visiting Scholar is engaged and is part of departmental meetings, is integrated into the department and meets the Dean.
Faculty Sponsors
Submit new or renewal college request and application materials to the Department Chair.
This would be a brief description of how the visit aligns with the college policy requirements or alternatively write a brief description of the scholar’s intent of visit.
Other required items include the following:
- Collect Visitor CV.
- Draft College Invitation Letter using College template letter
- this letter should include what support if any, the department is offering to the scholar
- the duration of the visit (exact dates)
- the name of the PI/faculty member with whom the scholar will be collaborating
- Contact University Personnel(UP) and follow up to receive a paid or unpaid appointment letter and to ensure the EV is in the system to be able to receive access to 91ÁÔÆæ Email, 91ÁÔÆæ King Library privileges/canvas upon arrival.
Volunteer/Unpaid Visiting Scholar Appointment Information can be found here. Please initiate the international visiting scholar Docusign. In order to receive UP approval, UP must confirm that EV will have an assigned office space and equipment and access to the space during their visit at 91ÁÔÆæ
If the request is approved, forward entire packet to the Dean for review and signature.
If the Dean approves the request application, the invitation letter drafted by the department will be added to the college letterhead, scanned and emailed to the department chair and faculty host to send to the visitor, in addition to the invitation letter from UP.
Once all the process steps have been met, please go here to review the process to Request a DS-2019 and contact ISSS to initiate the scholar process.
Contact Us
San José State University
One Washington Square
Student Union - CPGE
San Jose, CA 95192-0135
Office Hours
Monday-Friday 9am – 4:30pm