What We Do

Admitted Spartans Day, 2018
Admitted Spartans Day, 2018

Mosaic Cross Cultural Center

Who is Mosaic? We're a student resource center and campus department that offers a ton of fantastic resources, programs, and advocacy for our student community. We promote engagement with social justice, advocate for student voices and needs, and work to dismantle the systems of oppression and injustice all around us.

Programs and Events

Archit's program

Cultural Programmer Events

Our calendar is full of events and programs that relate to diversity, equity, and social justice issues that are planned and led by our amazing student staff of Cultural Programmers. Learn about different issues in the world, discuss different ways in which we can make positive change, and advocate for your communities.

Alter 2022

Heritage Month Events

We help with the various racial/ethnic Heritage Month programs on campus: Latinx Heritage Month, Native American and Indigenous Heritage Month, Black History Month, and Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Open Mic, March 2020

Monthly Open Mic Series

We host a monthly Open Mic to enhance voice, celebrate narratives, and promote authenticity. Join us or perform with us. Since 2022, our Open Mics are hybrid and previous Open Mics can be found on our YouTube page.

LT 2020 Career Mentors

Leadership Today Retreat

Our annual Leadership Today Retreat is where we take students on an immersive leadership and identity experience to develop advocacy, community, and sense of self.

Learn More!

Podcast recording

Mosaic Station Podcast

Listen to our podcast! We breakdown social justice concepts, world events, pop culture, and interview interesting people both on campus and in our community.

Check it out!

Resources we provide

Picture of Mosaic Sign

Student Center Space

Mosaic is a safe place to gather, study, rest, and build community. Students are free to access our space during hours of operation.

Mosaic Resource Library picture

Resource Library

We have a library of resources available for students to use. Mosaic contains a prayer and meditation space for students to use when we're open for hours of operation. It also has an attached washing station.

Meditation and Prayer Space

Prayer and Meditation Space

Mosaic contains a prayer and meditation space for students to use when we're open for hours of operation. It also has an attached washing station.

Mosaic Staff 2021-2022

Work Opportunities

We have several student staff positions: Cultural Programmers, Social Media Liaisons, and Graphic Designers. Each of these positions develop leadership skills, dialogue skills, and mentoriship opportunities.

Mosaic Conference Room

Reservable Conference Room and Programming Space

We have a mini-conference room that is reservable. Also, our whole center is reservable for groups to meet, hold events, or even special class sessions.

Connect with us!

Instagram Page

Follow us: @sjsumosaic

YouTube Page

Subscribe: @mosaicccc

Linktree Page

For all our links for the different resources and forms of engagement: @mosaicccc

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

We're in the Student Union, on the first floor. We're right across the hall from Campus Bookstore!

How do I join?

We're actually a campus department not a club so, good news! You don't need to do anything to join! Just come by whenever you're around to check out our center, come to programs and events, or follow us online!

How do I get involved?

The easiest thing is to follow us on social media to see what we're doing. Come to the events you want to. If you want to volunteer for an event, just let us know. And if you have a great idea for an event that you want to do or see, reach out to us and let's talk! We'd love to see what we can do.

Can I study/eat/play video games in Mosaic?

Yes! Our center space, when it's not being used for a program or meeting, is available for students to utilize however they need to. We simply ask that you do not disrupt other people's use of the space either so please bring earphones if you're need to watch a video or attend a Zoom class.