About Us

American Occupational Therapy Association
The Occupational Therapy Program at San José State University is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). Learn more about ACOTE at 7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 510E Bethesda, MD 20814, by calling, c/o AOTA, (301) 652 - AOTA or by visiting www.acoteonline.org.
10-Year Accreditation by ACOTE for the MSOT Program
During the 2015-2016 academic year, our program underwent the careful and comprehensive process of reaccreditation. This required us to submit evidence that our program met the 189 standards established for occupational therapy academic programs. We are very happy to report that the Accreditation Council of Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) awarded us a 10-year accreditation based on the strength of our academic program! This is the longest accreditation period awarded and we are very proud of the accomplishment!
Graduation Rate for the MSOT Program
The total number of graduates from San Jose State University during the three-year period 2021 - 2023 was 219 with an overall graduation rate of 96%. Program results from the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) can be found online.
US News & World Report
"The 2024 Best Health Schools includes an updated ranking of master’s in public health programs…. In addition to public health areas, the latest edition features updated rankings in the following health-related fields: social work, speech-language pathology, nurse midwifery, nurse anesthesia, physical therapy, audiology, pharmacy and occupational therapy. Those surveyed were: •263 doctoral and master's degree programs in occupational therapy accredited by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education, which supplied U.S. News with lists of accredited occupational therapy programs and all the names of respondents who were surveyed (48%)." We were rated in the TOP 50 OT institutions across the ENTIRE United States! And we are rated second highest in California!
Ranking of the Best OT Programs in 2024
"Occupational therapists provide patients of all ages with therapeutic treatments to physical ailments. They may work with injured patients, disabled children and aging adults. These are the top schools to train occupational therapists at the master's and/or doctorate level (OTD). Each school's score reflects its average rating on a scale from 1 (marginal) to 5 (outstanding), based on a survey of academics at peer institutions." - U.S. News & World Report, Best Occupational Therapy Programs
Curriculum Core
Participation in meaningful occupation to promote health, well-being, and social inclusion across the lifespan.
Our Mission
The Occupational Therapy Department at San Jose State University is dedicated to preparing culturally diverse occupational therapy leaders who promote health and participation in life for individuals, organizations, and populations through engagement in occupation.
Our Vision
Our vision for the occupational therapy department at 91ÁÔÆæ is to have a departmental culture that preserves our legacy of excellence in teaching and clinical expertise through innovation and creativity. The department will be actively engaged in local, national, and international initiatives. The department will recruit diverse faculty and students who will be actively engaged in a dynamic curriculum that integrates theoretical and clinical learning. The curriculum will have the ability to adapt to current and future trends while staying consistent with the core values of occupational therapy and being clearly focused on occupation. Faculty will engage in robust scholarship informing teaching and clinical practice. Graduates will be innovators and problem-solvers committed to social and occupational justice who contribute to the evidence base of the profession. We will expand our work in the faculty-run clinics and in the community, recognizing that clients and organizations are our partners in delivering occupational therapy. The community will recognize the department as a valuable resource in empowering people to live life to the fullest through engagement in occupations.
Commitment to Diversity
The Occupational Therapy Department supports social and occupational justice. We believe in the right of every individual to be able to meet basic needs and to have equal access and life opportunities to reach their potential. We will challenge narratives and actions that run counter to diversity, equity and inclusion. We are committed to developing strategies that empower people, communities, and populations, and advance occupational justice and social change.
Where do Occupational Therapists Work?
The term "occupation" means all the activities that occupy meaningful day-to-day living, including work, self-care, and leisure. Occupational Therapy is a health profession that helps people who have been affected by accident or injury, disease, aging, developmental delay, or psychological disability to make the necessary lifestyle changes to become more self-sufficient and independent. Occupational therapists work in a wide variety of settings, including hospitals, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, public and private schools, community organizations and programs, outpatient clinics, day care facilities, patient homes, corporations, and private practice.
Download the Occupational Therapy Fact Sheet for both MSOT and OTD programs
The Central Classroom Building (CCB) is located on 7th Street and between Paseo de San Carlos and Paseo de San Antonio Streets; the building next to the new Health building and in front of the Student Union building.