Citation Fines and Descriptions
Responsibility for establishing rules and regulations regarding the operation and parking of vehicles on university property is given to the University President pursuant to Section 21113 (a) of the California Vehicle Code (CVC).
A portion of the fines collected for parking violations are forwarded to the State of California to fund the construction, renovation and lease of State Court and detention facilities. The balance is used to fund alternative transportation programs at 91.
If you received a parking citation, you must respond by either paying the amount due or appealing the parking citation(s) within 21 days. Failure to respond will result in the forfeiture of the right to an appeal, assessment of late penalties, DMV vehicle registration hold(s), and/or other authorized Collection methods.
For violation rule/description, click on the arrow to the right of the violation below.
For violation rule/definition, click on the arrow to the right of the violation below.
- Expired Hourly Permit $23
No vehicle may be left parked upon expiration of a time limited pass. Violators will be cited for expired hourly permit.
- Not Parked Within Stall Lines $23
All vehicles must park completely within the stall lines at all times, regardless of surrounding occupancy. Perpendicular stalls must not have any portion of the space’s occupant’s vehicle extending beyond the farthest space boundary line. This is true even if no vehicle is parked adjacent at the time of occupancy. Parallel stalls must not have any portion of the space’s occupant’s vehicle extending beyond the front and back boundary line. Vehicles must be parked within 18 inches of the curb and may not obstruct traffic in any fashion. By campus definition, any vehicles whose tires outside tread crossed the white line is considered to be parked over the line. Violators will be cited for Not Parked within Stall Lines.
- Wrong Day
Vehicles shall park only on days their active permit or parking session allows. Vehicles parked on the wrong day will be cited for Wrong Day.
- Parked Overnight
No person shall abandon, or leave standing, any vehicle or motorized cycle on the campus overnight without permission of Parking Services. Special arrangements for overnight parking (e.g. field trips) can be made by contacting the Parking Services. Violators will be cited for Parked Overnight.
- Parked Over Time Limit $40
No vehicle may be left parked over the time limit in a timed zone. Vehicles may only park once per day per timed zone. The intention of timed zones is to provide short-term parking. Violators will be cited for Parked Over Time Limit.
- Parked in a Bus Loading Zone $45
No vehicle shall park in an area designated as a bus zone or bus stop. Violators will be cited for Parked in a Bus Loading Zone.
- Disruptive Car Alarm/Horn $45
No vehicles while parked shall activate an alarm device or horn of such intensity, duration, frequency or character which annoy, disturb, or cause adverse psychological and physiological effects on persons. Violators will be cited for Disruptive Car Alarm/Horn. The vehicle may also be subjected to tow at the owner’s expense per Section 22651.5(a) of the California Vehicle Code.
- Illegal Storage
No person shall abandon, or leave standing, any vehicle or motorized cycle on the campus overnight, or for 24 or more consecutive hours without permission of Parking Services. Persons with disabled vehicles should notify the Parking Services or the University Police Department. Vehicles in violation are subject to a fine, removal, and storage at owner’s expense.
Although not required by law, the Police Department may post a warning notice upon a parked vehicle prior to having it removed. This notice advises the owner or person in control of the vehicle that if the vehicle is found to be unlawfully stored or abandoned the vehicle will be cited and/or towed.
- Parked in More Than One Space $45
All vehicles must park completely within the lines at all times, regardless of surrounding occupancy. Perpendicular stalls must not have any portion of the space’s occupant’s vehicle extending beyond the farthest space boundary line. This is true even if no vehicle is parked adjacent at the time of occupancy. Parallel stalls must not have any portion of the space’s occupant’s vehicle extending beyond the front and back boundary line. Vehicles must be parked within 18 inches of the curb and may not obstruct traffic in any fashion. By campus definition, any vehicle whose tires inside tread crossed the white line is considered to be parked in two or more spaces. Violators will be cited for Parked in More than One space.
- No Valid Permit
Any vehicle parked on campus must have a valid paid parking session (virtual permit) or must clearly display a valid 91 physical parking permit. License plate information must be entered accurately; be aware of the letter O vs. number 0. If your vehicle does not have permanent or temporary (paper) plates, please enter in the last 8 of the VIN.
The physical parking permit must be positioned as indicated on the permit. Do not cover the VIN. Please ensure the permit is fully visible from the outside of the vehicle. Violators will be cited for No Valid Permit.
- Parked in a Special Purpose Zone $45
No vehicle shall park in any area that is signed designating for special purpose zone unless they possess a valid parking permit explicitly authorizing parking in that zone. Special purpose zones on campus include but are not limited to: carpool, employee, R, RP, vendor, special ‘O’, clinic, CDC, GV, freight loading/unloading, loading/unloading, zip car, state vehicle, campus village, electric vehicle, Spartan shop, and sidewalk.
- Other
CVC 21113(a)
- Failure to Display Vehicle License Plate $45
When two license plates are issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles for use upon a vehicle, they shall be attached to the vehicle for which they were issued, one in the front and the other in the rear (CVC 5200 (a)). When only one license plate is issued for use upon a vehicle, it shall be attached to the rear (CVC 5200 (b)). Any vehicle parking on San Jose State University campus must comply with CVC 5200 and have the license plate visible from the rear of the parking space which connect with the roadway. Violators will be cited for Failure to display vehicle license plate.
- Boot Removal Administrative Fee $50
Any vehicle that is immobilized or booted at San Jose State University is subject to additional service fees for the placement and removal of the immobilization device. Violators will be cited for Boot Removal Administrative Fee.
- Blocking a Drive Way $53
A person shall not stop, park, or leave standing any vehicle whether attended or unattended in front of a public or private driveway. Violators will be subject to citation or towing. Violators will be cited for Blocking a Driveway.
- Parked in a No Parking Zone $53
No vehicle shall be parked in any area, campus lot, campus garage, upon any street, campus roadway or portion thereof when authorize signs or markings are in place prohibiting parking. Signage bearing the legend “No Parking Anytime” or “No Parking” will be enforced twenty four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. Violators may be towed or cited for Parked in a no Parking Zone.
- Parked in a Red Zone $53
No stopping, parking or standing in a red zone. All violators are subject to citation or towing. Red zone areas are enforced twenty four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. Violators will be cited for Parked in red zone.
- Parked in a Non-Designated Space $53
No vehicle shall be stopped, parked or left standing in or upon a landscaped or unpaved area that is not marked for parking. Violators will be cited for Parked in non-designated space.
- Obstructing Traffic
No vehicle shall be stopped, parked or left standing so as to interfere with or impede the normal flow of vehicle or pedestrian traffic. Violators will be cited for Obstructing Traffic.
- Altered Permit
Altered, forged, counterfeited University parking permits, and parking pay station machine receipts, are prohibited. All violators will be subject to a citation. Violators will be cited for Altered Permit.
- Misuse of Parking Permit $175
Permit is not transferable from person to person. Using someone else’s parking privilege or letting another person use your parking privilege is prohibited. Violators will be cited for Misuse of Parking Permit. A person can register up to three vehicles on their permit. However, only one vehicle is allowed on campus at a time. When two or more vehicles registered to a single Virtual Permit are parked on San Jose University campus at the same time, each vehicle must have a separate valid parking permit. If each vehicle does not have a separate valid parking permit, all found vehicles will be cited for Misuse of Parking Permit.
- Parked in a Disabled Space $351
It is unlawful for any person to park or leave standing any vehicle in a stall or space designated for disabled persons and disabled veterans per Section 22507.8 (a) of the California Vehicle Code unless the vehicle displays either a special identification license plate issued pursuant to Section 5007 or a distinguishing placard issued pursuant to Section 22511.55 or 22511.59. Furthermore, except for the purpose of transporting a disabled person as specified in subdivision (b) of Section 4461, a person shall not display a disabled person placard that was not issued to him or her or that has been canceled or revoked pursuant to Section 22511.6 Violators will be cited for Parked in a Disabled Space.
- Possession of Lost/Stolen/Forged Permit $400
The duplication or alteration of any University parking decal/permit and the display of such decal/permit is prohibited. Vehicles found displaying a lost/stolen/forged permit will be cited for Possession of Lost/Stolen/ Forged Permit.
- Possession of Altered/Stolen/Forged License Plate $400
The altering, forging, counterfeiting or falsifying vehicle license plate is prohibited and may be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony (CVC 4463). In addition, vehicles found displaying an altered, forged, counterfeited or false license plate will be cited for Possession of Altered/Stolen/Forged License Plate.
- Tampering or Removal/Theft of Boot $500
No unauthorized person shall remove, damage, and attempt to drive away, or otherwise interfere with the placement of a boot or any vehicle immobilization device. Violators will be cited for Tampering or Removal/Theft of Boot.
- Parked in Restricted Area $500
Any vehicle, motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, motorized bicycle, and motorized quadricycle is prohibited upon any campus roadway that has restricted vehicle access postings. All violators are subject to citation or towing. Violators will be cited for Parked in Restricted Area.