Publications & Presentations
Refereed Journal Articles
- Y. Chen, S. Jensen, and L.J. Albert, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Student Assistants in the Classroom: Designing Chatbots to Support Student Success, to appear in Information Systems Frontiers.
- Y. Chen, L.J. Albert, and S. Jensen, Innovation farm: Teaching Artificial Intelligence through gamified social entrepreneurship in an introductory MIS course, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 2022(20), pp. 43-56.
- E. Huerta and S. Jensen, An Accounting Information Systems Perspective on Data Analytics and Big Data, Journal of Information Systems, 31(3), Fall 2017, pp. 101-114.
- S. Jensen, Integrating Big Data Services into an Undergraduate MIS Curriculum, International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering, special issue on Big Data Systems, Analytics, Techniques, and Services, 7(2), April-June 2017, pp. 58-73.
- S. Jensen., X. Liu, Y. Yu, and S. Milojevic, Generation of Topic Evolution Trees from Heterogeneous Bibliographic Networks, Journal of Informetrics, vol. 10, no. 2, May 2016, pp. 606-621.
- L.M. Dunn-Jensen, S. Jensen, M.A. Calhoun, and K.C. Ryan, Revealing Gender Bias: An Experiential Exercise, Organization Management Journal, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 101-114.
- S. Jensen, B. Plale, M. Aktas, Y. Luo, P. Chen, and H. Conover, Provenance Capture and Use in a Satellite Data Processing Pipeline, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, special issue on Data Provenance, vol. 51, no. 11, Nov. 2013, pp. 5090-5097.
Refereed Conference Papers and Presentations
- Jensen, S. and Dunn-Jensen, L.M., What's Your Data Story? Using Tableau Software in the Classroom. Presented at Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society (MOBTS 2022), Pomona, California, June 2022.
- Jensen, S., Albert L. J., and Huerta, E., Data Science for All: Apache Spark & Jupyter Notebooks, in Proceedings of the 2021 Pre-ICIS SIGDSA Symposium on Analytics and AI for Sustainable Future, Austin, Texas, December 2021.
- L.J. Albert, E. Huerta, and S. Jensen, Python Foundations: Data Science for All. Presented at the 2019 Pre-ICIS SIGDSA Symposium on Inspiring Mindset for Innovation with Business Analytics and Data Science, Munich, Germany, December 2019.
- S. Jensen, L.J. Albert, E. Huerta, and S. Dhar, Data Science for All. In Proceedings of the 2019 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Cancun, Mexico, August 2019.
- I. Yang, J.H. Cho, and S. Jensen, How Does Blockchain Technology Impact Bills of Lading in International Trade? presented at The 4th International Conference of Supply Chain & Technology Innovation (ICOSTI), Busan, S. Korea, August 2019.
- X. Liu, Y. Yu, Z. Jiang, C. Guo and S. Jensen, Personalized Navigation and Random Walk on the Complex Heterogeneous Graph, to be presented at the 3rd ACM International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR), Amsterdam, Netherlands, Oct. 2017.
- S. Jensen, Introducing Data Science to Undergraduates through Big Data: Answering Questions by Wrangling and Profiling a Yelp Dataset, to appear in the Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-50), Honolulu, Hawaii, January, 2017.
- S. Jensen, Y. Yu, H.B. Liu, and X. Liu (2015). Query-Centric Scientific Topic Evolution Extraction. In Proceedings of the 78th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T 2015), St. Louis, Mo., November 2015.
- M. Chen, U. Pavalanathan, S. Jensen, and B. Plale, Modeling heterogeneous data resources for social-ecological research: a data-centric perspective, Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Indianapolis, IN, July 2013.
- P. Chen, B. Plale, Y. Cheah, D. Ghoshal, S. Jensen, and Y. Luo, Visualization of Network Data Provenance, in the Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), Pune, India, Dec. 2012.
- S. Jensen, M. Chen, X. Liu, B. Plale, and D. Leake, Mining Classifications from Social-Ecological Databases (poster and extended abstract), 75th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T 2012), Baltimore, Maryland, October 2012.
- S. Jensen, B. Plale, X. Liu, M. Chen, D. Leake, and J. England, Generalized Representation and Mapping for Social-Ecological Data: Freeing Data from the Database, in Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on eScience (eScience 2012), Chicago, Illinois, October 2012.
- S. Jensen and B. Plale, Trading Consistency for Scalability in Scientific Metadata, in Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on e-Science, Brisbane, Australia, December 2010.
- S. Jensen and B. Plale, Extended abstract: Schema-Independent and Schema-Friendly Scientific Metadata Management, in Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on eScience, pp. 428-429, Indianapolis, Indiana, December 2008. Longer version available as Indiana University Department of Computer Science Technical Report TR689.
- S. Jensen and B. Plale, Using Characteristics of Computational Science Schemas for Workflow Metadata Management, in Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Congress on Services, IEEE 2008 Second International Workshop on Scientific Workflows (SWF 2008), Hawaii, July 2008.
- W. Odom, S. Jensen, and M. Li, Senior Travel Buddies: Sustainable Ride-Sharing & Socialization, in CHI '07 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '07), San Jose, May 2007.
- Y. Sun, S. Jensen, S. L. Pallickara, and B. Plale, Personal Workspace for Large-scale Data-driven Computational Experimentation, in Proceedings of the 7th IEEE/ACM Int’l Conference on Grid Computing (Grid'06), Barcelona, September 2006.
- S. Jensen, B. Plale, S. L. Pallickara, and Y. Sun, A Hybrid XML-Relational Grid Metadata Catalog, Workshop on Web Services-based Grid Applications (WGSA'06) in association with International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP-06), Columbus, Ohio, August 2006.
- S. L. Pallickara, B. Plale, S. Jensen, and Y. Sun, Monitoring Access to Stateful Resources in Grid Environments, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC’05), Orlando, Florida July 2005.
- S. L. Pallickara, B. Plale, S. Jensen, and Y. Sun, Structure, Sharing, and Preservation of Scientific Experiment Data, IEEE 3rd International Workshop on Challenges of Large Applications in Distributed Environments (CLADE’05), Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, July 2005.
- B. Plale, C. Jacobs, S. Jensen, Y. Liu, C. Moad, R. Parab, and P. Vaidya, Understanding Grid Resource Information Management through a Synthetic Database Benchmark/Workload, in Proceedings of the 4th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid2004), Chicago, Illinois, April 2004.
Refereed Book Chapters
- E. Huerta and S. Jensen, Predictive Analytics in Accounting Information Systems, The Routledge Companion to Accounting Information Systems, 2nd Edition, M. Quinn and E. Strauss (Eds.), Routledge, London, pp. 171-189, 2022.
- D. Gannon, B. Plale, M. Christie, Y. Huang, S. Jensen, N. Liu, S. Marru, S. L. Pallickara, S. Perera, S. Shirasuna, Y. Simmhan, A. Slominski, Y. Sun, and N. Vijayakumar, Building Grid Portals for e-Science: A Service Oriented Architecture, High Performance Computing and Grids in Action, IOS Press - Amsterdam, Lucio Grandinetti editor, 2007.
- D. Gannon, B. Plale, M. Christie, L. Fang, Y. Huang, S. Jensen, G. Kandaswamy, S. Marru, S.L. Pallickara, S. Shirasuna, Y. Simmhan, A. Slominski, and Y. Sun, "Service-oriented Architectures for Science Gateways on Grid Systems", International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3826, B. Benatallah, F. Casati, and P. Traverso (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 21-32, 2005.
Refereed Tutorials and Workshops
- S. Jensen, E. Huerta, S. Dhar, and L.J. Albert, Data Science for All, presented at the 2019 Academic Technology Expo (ATXpo), Santa Clara, CA, October 2019.
- S. Jensen and E. Huerta, Data Wrangling in Spark with Python, hands-on workshop presented at the Intensive Data and Analytics Summer Workshop for Accounting Courses and Programs, Orlando, FL, June 2018.
- E. Huerta and S. Jensen, Python Foundations for Analytics, hands-on workshop presented at the Intensive Data and Analytics Summer Workshop for Accounting Courses and Programs, Orlando, FL, June 2018.
- S. Jensen, Wrangling Big Data for Data-Driven Research: Hands-on With Apache Spark and Jupyter Notebooks, hands-on workshop presented at the Academy of Management Specialized Conference, Big Data and Managing in a Digital Economy, Surrey, U.K., April 2018.
- S. Jensen, B. Plale, R. Koskela, and J. Cobb, Big Data Means Your Metadata Must Work, half-day tutorial presented at SuperComputing (SC11), Seattle, Washington, November 2011.
- Y. Sun, B. Plale, C. Herath, and S. Jensen, Event Processing in Weather Responsive Scientific Workflow Cyberinfrastructure: tutorial and abstract, 3rd Int’l Conference on Distributed Event Based Systems (DEBS), Nashville, Tennessee, July 2009.
Invited Presentations and Tutorials
- B. Plale, S. Jensen, and C. Small, NetKarma – A Provenance Tool for Experimenters, Tutorial at the 14th GENI Engineering Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, July 2012.
- S. Jensen, Adaptable and Incremental Metadata Capture in e-Science, presented at the Computation Institute, University of Chicago, Illinois, March 2012.
Research Reports
- S. Jensen, An Introduction to Data Literacy, Big Data, and Data Science: A Hands-On Experiential Micro-Insertion, CEP Final Report, Lucas College and Graduate School of Business, May 2019.
- S. Jensen and B. Plale, GENI Provenance, Instrumentation and Measurement: Integrating Provenance into the GENI Measurement Data Object Descriptor (poster), 14th GENI Engineering Conference (GEC14), Boston, Massachusetts, July 2012.
- H. Conover, B. Plale, M. Aktas, R. Ramachandran, P. Purohit, S. Jensen, and S. Graves, "Key Provenance of Earth Science Observational Data Products" American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 2011.
- S. Jensen, D. Ghoshal, and B. Plale, Evaluation of Two XML Storage Approaches for Scientific Metadata, Indiana University Department of Computer Science Technical Report 698, October 2011.
- S. Jensen, M. Cox, D. Bender, M. Chen, J. England, B. Plale, and D. Leake, Spatial Data in an Ontology for Research on Forest Resources, Presented at Ontology of Spatial Thinking and Reasoning: Multidiciplinary Reconciliation, COSIT'11 Workshop, pp. 28-30, Belfast, Maine, September, 2011.
- S. Jensen and B. Plale, XMC Cat: An Adaptive Catalog for Scientific Metadata (poster), Improving Observing Network Coordination: A Cyberinformatics Forum, Boulder, Colorado, May, 2010.
- S. Jensen and B. Plale, Taming Complex Scientific Metadata Schemas (poster), Fifth Midwest Database Research Symposium, Chicago, Illinois, October, 2008.
- D. Gannon, B. Plale, M. Christie, S. Marru, G. Kandaswamy, L. Fang, Y. Huang, S. Lee-Palickara, S. Jensen, N. Liu, S. Shirasuna, Y. Simmhan, A. Slominski, R. Ramachandran, R. D. Clark, K. Lawrence, and I. H. Kim, The LEAD Science Portal Problem Solving Environment, American Meteorological Society 23rd Conference on IIPS, San Antonio, Texas, 2007.
- S. Jensen and B. Plale, Hybrid Approach to Complex Scientific Metadata in a Grid Environment (poster), Third Midwest Database Research Symposium, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, April, 2006.
- S. Jensen, S. L., Y. Sun, and B. Plale, Extending Metadata Catalogs to Address Complex Queries in Context (poster), LEAD Year-2 Site Visit Poster Session, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, July 2005.
- T. Devadithya, S. Jensen, T. Reichherzer, and Y. Sun, Monitoring What We Eat Using Tangibles, 2005 Indiana University Making IT Happen Student Showcases. February 16, 2005.
- CyberTraining: CIU: 91ÁÔÆæ Data Science for All Seminar Series (Co-PI) with Leslie Albert (PI) and Esperanza Huerta (Co-PI), National Science Foundation, $410,060, 2018 - 2022.
- An Introduction to Data Literacy, Big Data, and Data Science: a Hands-On Experiential Micro-Insertion, Lucas College and Graduate School of Business, Curriculum Enhancement Proposal, $2,200, Fall 2018 – Spring 2019 academic year.
- Coming Together around Data, a PI Project Meeting for DataNet and INTEROP, (co-PI) with Beth Plale (PI), National Science Foundation, $ 86,571, (workshop) 2011.