91ÁÔÆæ Votes!

91ÁÔÆæ Votes! logo

91ÁÔÆæ Votes! is a voter registration, mobilization, and education project managed by 91ÁÔÆæ political science students and faculty, under the direction of the Institute for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement (IPACE). 91ÁÔÆæ Votes! facilitates campus-wide efforts to mobilize the Spartan community to register and to turn out to vote. The Director of 91ÁÔÆæ Votes!, Mary Currin-Percival, has worked on multiple Get Out the Vote (GOTV) efforts at 91ÁÔÆæ with several partners including CommUniverCity, 91ÁÔÆæ Office of the President, Pi Sigma Alpha Epsilon Iota chapter, The 91ÁÔÆæ Center for Community Learning and Leadership, and the California Secretary of State’s office, among others. Students in several of her classes have engaged in active-learning projects managing GOTV efforts. 91ÁÔÆæ Votes! was created in Fall 2018 as GOTV project in Political Science 108, Political Participation and has been active since then. 

On the 91ÁÔÆæ Votes! website, , you can register to vote, update your registration, check your registration status, and find answers to other FAQs about voter registration and voting in California. You will also be able to find information about the upcoming election and contact information for your elected officials. We’ll update our events calendar and advertise other organizations’ election-related events.

If you are interested in working with us on an election event, please contact us at sjsuvotes@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter .

91ÁÔÆæ Votes!