Student Teaching
What is student-teaching?
Student-teaching is supervised fieldwork in which candidates are placed in the class of a Mentor Teacher who guides the development of the candidate's teaching skills and gradually releases responsibility for planning and instruction to the candidate. Candidates must submit formal lesson plans and are observed by a university supervisor who provides feedback on their teaching. Candidates in the Department of Special Education complete two semesters of student teaching. The first semester of student teaching is considered early fieldwork and candidates complete 200 hours of supervised fieldwork while enrolled in EDSE 234. The second semester is considered advanced fieldwork and candidates complete 400 hours of supervised fieldwork while enrolled in either EDSE 217A or EDSE 154, according to their program roadmap. Candidates complete fieldwork in special education and general education settings.
Student Teaching Requirements
To be eligible for student teaching, candidates must meet all of the following requirements:
- Have met both the Basic Skills Requirement AND Subject Matter Competency. Student teaching courses are restricted by permission code and the department will only allow enrollment in these courses when BSR and SMC have been met.
- Candidates must have a current certificate of clearance (submitted at admission).
- Candidates must have TB clearance (negative TB test in last 3 years or verified .)
The Department Chair and the ASC Coordinator verify each candidate's eligibility for student teaching.
Department policy further states that students must have a 3.0 GPA and no grades of incomplete to be eligible for student teaching.
FAQs about student teaching
Do I have to find my own student teaching placement?
Candidates are not responsible for finding their own student teaching placement. The Lurie College of Education Fieldwork Placement Coordinator and the Special Education Department Chair work together to find appropriate student teaching placements for candidates.
What if I already know where I want to student teach?
Candidates have an opportunity to provide input on their student teaching placement and mentor teacher on the student teaching application. The Department's top priority is to place candidates with experienced mentor teachers that display the teaching practices we want our candidates to acquire. While candidates may suggest mentor teachers the department does not guarantee placement at any specific site or with any specific mentor teacher. We work carefully to vet all placements for candidates.
Can I complete my student teaching in a non-public school(NPS)?
Candidates may complete some aspects of student teaching in a non-public school if there is a qualified mentor teacher and the students served by the school are applicable to the authorization statement of the credential the candidate is seeking. (Note: Non-public schools are not the same as private schools. The department does not permit candidates to student teach in private schools.) The candidate must still meet the requirement for supervised fieldwork in a general education setting.
For more information about Student Teaching view this slide show
Student Teaching Application forms
EDSE 234 Student Teaching Application - request link from department after submitting BSR, SMC, and TB information
EDSE 217A/154 Student Teaching Application - request link from department after submitting BSR, SMC, and TB information