
Aerial view of San Jose State

Developed over the course of several years, the plan is a living document that will guide our actions over the coming decade. Key milestones and planning activities are described below.


On April 10, President Cynthia Teniente-Matson shared the recalibrated strategic plan goals, desired outcomes and metrics for determining success with the campus community. In accordance with policy [pdf], the recalibration process included consultation with the president’s cabinet and the Strategic Planning Steering Committee. Opportunities were provided for the campus community to provide input on the updates to the strategic plan.  


A Campus Summit was held on Thursday, April 24. Based on feedback from our community, the Summit included several opportunities for community engagement with specific feedback loops and interactive activity.


San José State is leading with its values, realizing its vision, and making decisions based on the strategic priorities developed by the hundreds of faculty, staff, and students who contributed to the development of Transformation 2030.


In 2019, San José State developed an implementation strategy as one of the final phases of its strategic planning process.

A critical step was the formation of an implementation planning group, comprised of the president’s cabinet and select members of each campus division. The president’s leadership team reviewed and reported to the president on the work of the implementation planning group, including implementation and scheduled assessments, in early fall 2019.

April 8


February 11

Strategic Plan executive summary is presented to Academic Senate.

January 16

President’s cabinet reviews draft Strategic Plan executive summary, communications plan, and maps out the next phase: implementation planning.



Strategic Communication and Marketing team refines Strategic Plan executive summary and goals, and creates a communication plan.



Task forces draft a preamble, strategies and metrics.

University-wide presentation of draft goals and desired outcomes (May 7).


Task forces continue to refine goals and draft desired outcomes, which are shared with the campus for input.

Campus gathers for university-wide Strategic Plan update, including small group discussions and a presentation of vision elements (February 9).


Vision 2017 report published on the Strategic Plan website.



With input from campus conversations, members of the Steering Committee and the greater campus community form task forces to develop vision elements into draft goals.


Campus and community conversations are held in person, online and via surveys.

Campus kicks off Strategic Planning at a university-wide event (September 14). 


Strategic Plan website is launched.



Strategic Plan website is launched.

Steering Committee researches strategic plans, works on Vision 2017 closeout report [pdf]



Academic Senate Resolution S16-3 [pdf] establishes policy for the Steering Committee and process.