Classes Offered

91ÁÔÆæ offers 1,533 sustainability-related or -focused courses in 67 out of 73 total academic departments. In addition, all academic colleges at the University offered at least [one] sustainability course.

Course List 2020

You can find sustainability focused or related courses in all General Education Areas

  • Area A. English Language Communication and Critical Thinking
  • Area B. Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning
  • Area C. Arts and Letters
  • Area D. Social Sciences
  • Area E. Human Understanding & Development  
  • Area R. Earth and Environment
  • Area S. Self, Society & Equality in the U.S.
  • Area V. Culture, Civilization & Global Understanding
  • Area Z. Written Communication II


Area A
POLS 20 - Controversial Legal Issues
Area B
BIOL 10 - The Living World
BIOL 150 - Field Studies in Natural Histories 
ENVS 10 - Life on a Changing PLanet
GEOL 1 - General Geography
GEOL 3 - Planet Earth
GEOL 4L - Planet Earth Lab
GEOL 9 - Earth Disasters
GLST 1B - Introduction to Global Studies
METR 10 - Weather and Climate
METR 12 - Global Warming: Science and Solutions
NUFS 16 - Science, Physiology, and Nutrition
SOCI 15 - Statistical Applications in the Social Sciences
Area C
ARTH 72 - Art History
CA 95 - Creative Arts
ENGL 30 - Literature and the Environment
PHIL 61 - Moral Issues
Area D
ANTH 11 - Cultural Anthropology
CCS 25 - The Changing Majority: Power and Ethnicity in America
CCS 30 - Race and Ethnicity in Public Space
GEOG 10 - Cultural Geography
HS 15 - Human Life Span
JOUR 50 - Navigating the News
JS 25 - Introduction to Human Rights and Justice
POLS 4 - Introduction to International Relations
SOCI 1 - Introduction to Sociology
SOCI 80 - Social Problems
WOMS 20 - Women of Color in the US
Area E
CHAD 70 - Lifespan Development in the 21st Century
GEOL 5 - Human Development and the Natural World
KIN 69 - Stress Management: A Multidisciplinary Perspective 
PSYC 2Q - Identity Development and Prejudice
SCED 5 - Human Development and the Natural World
UNVS 57 - Community Involvement and Personal Growth
Area R
BIOL 110 - Biodiversity and Biopolitics
BIOL 160 - Ecology
COMM 168A/168B - Global Climate Change I/II
ENGR 100W - Engineering Reports
ENGR 108 - General Engineering
ENVS 119 - Energy and the Environment
GEOL 103 - Earth Systems and the Environment
GEOL 111 - Geology and the Environment
GEOL 112 - Hazard, Risk of Earthquakes and Volcanoes
GLST 167- Changing Ecologies of Globalization
HS 172 - Contemporary Environmental Health Issues
METR 112 - Global Climate Changes
METR 113 - Atmospheric Pollution
METR 115 - Wildfire in the Earth System
NUFS 115 - Issues in Food Toxicology
NUFS 139 - Hunger and Environmental Nutrition
Area S
AAS 175 - Asian American Communities
CA 172 - The Arts in U.S Society
CCS 130 - Chicanas and Chicanos in American Society
CCS 160 - Gender and Sexuality in the Chicana/o Community
CHAD 102 - Development of Self in a Culturally Diverse Society
COMM 157SL - Community Action/Community Service
COMM 174 - Intercultural Comm & Struct Inequality
COMM 168A/168B - Global Climate Change I/II
EE 198A - Senior Design Project I
ENGR 195A - Global and Social Issues in Engineering
ENVS 150 - Introduction to Environmental Thought
GERO 107 - Aging and Society
HIST 170S - Topics in American History
HIST 188 - History of Women in Europe
HS 135 - Health Issues in a Multicultural Society
JS 132 - Race, Gener, Inequality, and the Law
KIN 169 - Diversity, Stress, and Health 
LSTP 139 - Education and (In)Equality
NUFS 135 - Health Issues in a Multicultural Society
RECL 111 - Leisure, Culture, and Identity
RELS 162 - Religion and Political Controversy in the US
RTVF 110 - Media and Culture
SOCI 162 - Race and Ethnic Relations
SOCS 138 - US History for Teachers
URBP 101 - The City
WOMS 101 - Sex, Power, and Politics
PSYC 191 - The Psychology of Prejudice 
Area V
ANTH/ASIA 115 - Emerging Global Cultures
ANTH 146 - Culture and Conflict
ASIA 115 - The Emerging Global Culture
CHAD 106 - Concepts of Childhood
COMM 168A/168B - Global Climate Change I/II
COMM 179 - Global Media and Resistance
EE 198B - Senior Design Project II
ENGL 123A - Literature for Global Understanding-The Americas
ENGL 123B - Literature for Global Understanding-Africas
ENGL 123C - Literature for Global Understanding-Oceania
ENGL 123D - Literature for Global Understanding-Asia
ENGR 195B - Global and Social Issues in Engineering
ENVS 159 - Nature and World Cultures
GEOG 112 - Nations, Cultures, and Territorial Disputes
GLST 143 - Gender, Power Intnl Dev
HIST 153 - History of Women in Europe
HUM 159 - Nature and World Cultures
HUM 177A,B - Advanced Honors in Integrated Science, Social Science, and Humanities
JS 171 - Human Rights and Justice
NUFS 144 - Food Culture: Consuming Passions
RELS 122 - Magic, Science and Religion
SOCS 139 - World History for Teachers
TECH 198 - Technology and Civilization
WOMS 102 - The Global Study of Women
Area Z
ENVS 100W - Environmental Research and Writing