Community Partnerships
Central to the mission and goals of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning is our commitment to engage and collaborate with our surrounding communities in San José, the greater Bay Area, and beyond. Students and faculty work closely with the communities that we serve through coursework, research activities, service learning projects, and dynamic partnerships of all sorts. Moreover, San José State University’s long-term commitment to working with local communities has facilitated the development of trust and strong ties among all stakeholders.
Chief among these collaborative efforts is our department's close participation in , an innovative and award-winning partnership between the community, the university, and the city of San José.
Community Planning Reports
Every year, students in the Masters of Urban Planning program collaborate with community members, local organizations, policymakers and other stakeholders throughout the San Jose area to address critical questions about the future of our region through participatory planning processes. Over 900 students have been trained in community-engaged planning. More than 4,500 community members have interacted directly with university students and faculty in community-based initiatives. Participating communities have received in excess of $31 million in public funds to implement the projects identified in the plans. You can view many of the professional community planning reports that have resulted from this work.