Graduate Planning Reports
This page provides links to the full text of Masters Research Reports that earned honors or honorable-mention designation from the faculty.
Honors-Awarded Reports,
Fall 2023 and Spring 2024:
- LINK [pdf] to "Laws in Tension: Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing and Transit Access for Low-income
Households" by Alison Cingolani
- LINK [pdf] to "Revitalizing South Bascom Avenue through Urban Design" by Abenaezer Tassew
LINK [pdf] to "Whose Vote is it Anyway?" by Judith Heher
LINK [pdf] to "Planning for Dedicated Cycling and Pedestrian Pathways in Santa Clara County" by Evan Franklin
LINK [pdf] to "What's in the Bike Lane? A Study of the Factors Leading to Bike Lane Obstructions in two Bay Area Cities" by Scott Karoly
- LINK [pdf] to "Relationship between Eelgrass Coverage, Edge Length, and Epifauna Abundance with UAV Remote Sensing: A Case Study on the Northeast Pacific Coast" by Tou In Kwan
Honorable Mention-Awarded Reports,
Fall 2023 and Spring 2024:
- LINK [pdf] to "Effectiveness of Inclusionary Housing Ordiannces in the San Francisco Bay Area: A
Case Study of Fremont, Mountain View, San José, and San Francisco" by Maria Kisyova
- LINK [pdf] to "Electrifying Bay Area: Policy Analysis and Prescription for Transitioning Bay Area
Transit Buses to Zero Emission Fleet" by Janani Thiagarajan
- LINK [pdf] to "Self-Driving San José: Designing San José's Autonomous Future" by Maxwell Friedman
- LINK [pdf] to "The Relationship between Traffic-Adjacent Air Pollution and Health Challenges in the San Francisco Bay Area" by Jaisipa Mingthaisong
Honors Masters Research Reports from earlier semesters:
Towards a More Sustainable, Reliable and Equitable Power Grid in California: Identifying
Barriers to Local Energy Utilities and Solutions for a Better Way Forward [pdf], by Ralph Danahy Robinson
Rebanking Urban Design: Urban Growth and Stream Corridor Connection [pdf], by Clelia Busadas
Tree Canopy Coverage and Reducing the Heat Island Effect: Mitigation Strategies for
the City of San Francisco [pdf], by Diego Romero
Getting There: The Effects of First and Last Mile Infrastructure and Services on Rail Ridership [pdf], by Benjamin Salter
Factors Affecting the Accessibility and Appeal of the Public Bike Share System of Medellin, Colombia [pdf], by Andrea Arjona Amador
Seamless, Sustainable, Smart: Reimagining Novato's Public Transportation Network [pdf], by Anthony Nachor
Memos and Mega Projects: Applying Planners' Perceptions of Their Software to a Framework
for the Future of Planning, [pdf] by Richard L. Davis
Contamination to Cooperation: How Green Stormwater Infrastructure can Foster Collaboration
in San Jose [pdf], by Carolyn Neer
Sunday Drivers, or Too Fast and Too Furious? Analyzing Speed, Rider Behaviour, and
Traffic Conflicts of E-Scooter Share [pdf], by Juan Francisco Arellano, P.Eng.
Bicycle Access to the Oakland Waterfront: The High Street Connection to the San Francisco
Bay Trail [pdf], by Sean Dougan
No Accident: How Population Characteristics and Land Use Influence Street Safety for
Pedestrians in San Francisco, [pdf] by Mike Jacobson
Hunters Point Shipyard: Examining a Waterfront Development from an Urban Design Perspective [pdf], by Mariaclara Zazzarro
Filling the Gap: Reducing Vacancy and Revitalizing Retail in Downtown San Jose [pdf], by Michael J. McAlister
Walking and Cycling in San Francisco: Identifying Underserved Locations that are Particularly Receptive to Non-Motorized Transport via the Pedestrian and Bicycling Survey [pdf], by Rebecca Walters
Visualizing Residual Spaces in a New Light: A Study for Creating & Designing an Urban Public Space Under a Downtown San Jose Freeway, by Caitlin C. Campbell
Parking for San Jose's Future: Aligning San Jose's Parking Policies with Envision San Jose 2040 General Plan Goals [pdf], by Ryan Smith
Urban Planning/Design Elements that Contribute to Making a Vibrant Commercial Street [pdf], by Minghua Cui
Diversity and Development in California Cities: A Quantitative Study of Local Economic Growth [pdf], by Matt Piven
Removing a Barrier to the Financing of Transit-ÂOriented Development via a Standardized Evaluation Tool for Debt Capital Lenders [pdf], by Jorge Rick Gosalvez
Skate and Engage: The Laguna Skategarden and Civic Engagement Among Teens [pdf], by Kayla Platt
Assessing Transit Service Performance: Recommended Standards for Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority [pdf], by Jason Tyree
Increasing Bus Ridership and Transit Cost-Assistance Awareness Among San Jose’s Very-Low Income Community [pdf], by Sarah Abel
Transforming Auto-Centric Communities Into Walkable Neighborhoods: Walkability Audits of Two Neighborhoods in San Jose [pdf], by George Schroeder
The Effects of Residential Off-Street Parking Availability on Travel Behavior in San Francisco [pdf], by Alyssa Sherman
Do Central Business District Redevelopment Investments Have a Positive Influence on Surrounding Neighborhoods [pdf], by Amy M. Fauria
Sex Businesses in San Francisco: How the City Could and Should Regulate Where They Locate [pdf], by Seon Joo Kim
Estimating Time-Based Bus Service Areas Using the Time-Based Bus Service Area Tool [pdf], by Chao-Lun Cheng
The University Campus and the Urban Fabric: Mending the University District [pdf], by Katja N. Irvin
Work/Live Development in Sacramento [pdf], by Laura Russell