Declare Major/Minor

Please follow these steps to get help from an advisor.

I want to take a language class, but I'm not sure which course is right for me. What should I do?
Complete the to request to take the language placement.

I am interested in declaring a language major or minor. What is my next step?

Step 1: Learn about the requirements

Visit the Programs page to learn about the requirements for the major or minor.

Step 2: Determine which course to start in

Complete the to request to take a language placement.

Step 3: Start paperwork

Complete the major or minor form (top half from Last Name through Expected Graduation) and meet with an advisor during advising .

I have already declared a language major or minor and need to speak with an advisor.

Please have the following items ready when you speak with an advisor:

  1. MyProgress report (How to access MyProgress report)
  2. Copy of unofficial transcript (How to view unofficial transcript)


Download Major/Minor Forms