Current Laboratory Members
D'Enjoli Cox
Major: Chemical Engineering (LSAMP Scholar)
Project: Silica coated diamond and nitrogen center plasmonic enhancement
Training: Confocal microscopy, nanoscale synthesis, chemical characterization and
X-ray spectroscopy
Lab Tenure: June 2022-current
Rina Kawamura
Major: Chemistry (concentration in Biochemistry) (URAP scholar in Summer 2021)
Project: Silica coated diamond and nitrogen center plasmonic enhancement
Training: Confocal microscopy, nanoscale synthesis, chemical characterization and
X-ray spectroscopy
Lab Tenure: June 2021-current
Steven Teddy
Major: Biomedical Engineering (URAP scholar in Summer 2021)
Project: Silica coated diamond and nitrogen center plasmonic enhancement
Training: Confocal microscopy, nanoscale synthesis, chemical characterization and
X-ray spectroscopy
Lab Tenure: June 2021-current
Nicole Martin
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Project: Boron terminated diamond
Training: Inert atmosphere glovebox, Schlenk line, chemical analysis and X-ray Absorption
Lab Tenure: January 2022-Current
Nawal Sugal
Major: Chemistry (concentration in Biochemistry) (URAP scholar in Summer 2021)
Project: Silica coated diamond and nitrogen center plasmonic enhancement
Training: Confocal microscopy, nanoscale synthesis, chemical characterization and
X-ray spectroscopy
Lab Tenure: January 2021-current
Joy Drew
Major: Biology
Project: Boron coated diamond and nitrogen vacancy center photophysics
Training: Confocal microscopy, nanoscale synthesis, chemical characterization and
X-ray spectroscopy
Lab Tenure: June 2022-current
Tsz (Megan) Cheung
Major: Chemistry
Project: Amine terminated diamond
Training: Inert atmosphere glovebox, Schlenk line and DRIFTS
Lab Tenure: August 2018-Current
Daniel Labunsky
Major: Chemistry
Project: Boron terminated diamond
Training: Inert atmosphere glovebox, Schlenk line and X-ray Absorption (SLAC)
Lab Tenure: August 2018-Current
Former Laboratory Members
Karen Lopez (RISE Scholar)
Major: Biomed. Engineering (PhD at UC Irvine)
Project: Fluorescence enhancement of NV Centers and Silica on NDs
Training: Chemical synthesis, DLS and DRIFTS
Lab Tenure: August 2017-2020
Nedah Basravi

Major: Biomed. Engineering
Project: Fluorescence enhancement of NV Centers
Training: Chemical synthesis, DLS and DRIFTS
Lab Tenure: August 2018-April 2021
Camilla Hanson (Student Athlete)

Major: Biomed. Engineering
Project: Fluorescence enhancement of NV Centers
Training: Chemical synthesis, DLS and DRIFTS
Lab Tenure: August 2018-Current
Cynthia Melendrez (MARC/RISE Scholar, DOE SULI Fellow AVS Award and SSCL Fellow)
Major: Chem. Engineering (Works at LCLS at SLAC)
Project: Amine terminated diamond
Training: X-ray absorption, inert atmosphere glovebox, schlenk line techniques and
Lab Tenure: May 2017-Current
Grad School: (Stanford-expected)
Ilias Mylonakos
Major: Mat. Engineering
Project: Photoelectrochemical water splitting (Metal Oxides)
Training: Scanning Confocal Microscopy, materials synthesis and PEC techniques
Lab Tenure: August 2018-Current
Ashley Oh
Major: Mat. Engineering
Project: Photoelectrochemical water splitting (Metal Oxides)
Training: Materials synthesis and PEC techniques
Lab Tenure: August 2018-Current
Crystal Pereira
Major: Mat. Engineering
Project: Photoelectrochemical water splitting (Metal Oxides)
Training: Scanning Confocal Microscopy, materials synthesis and PEC techniques
Lab Tenure: August 2017-Current
Grace Jean-Pierre (MARC Scholar)
Major: Electrical Engineering
Project: Nitrogen vacancy center diamond
Training: High resolution scanning electron microscopy (The Molceular Foundry)
Lab Tenure: September 2015-present
Grad School: (UT Ausitin with NSF Award) MARC Scholar
Davida Simpson (MARC Scholar)
Major: Biology (PhD in Chemistry at UC Santa Cruz)
Project: Fluorescence enhancement of NV Centers and Silica on NDs
Training: Chemical synthesis, DLS and DRIFTS
Lab Tenure: August 2018-2020
Tyanna Supreme (Student Athlete)
Major: Forensic Science (PhD at University of Toronto)
Project: Boron Chemistry on Nanodiamond Surfaces
Training: Inert atmsophere techniques (Schlenk Line and Glovebox), DRIFTS and X-Ray
Absorption/Emission Spectroscopy
Lab Tenure: August 2018-2020
Jocelyn Valenzuela (MARC Scholar)
Major: Chem. Engineering (PhD Stanford with NSF garduate award 2020)
Project: Amine terminated diamond
Training: X-ray absorption, inert atmosphere glovebox, schlenk line techniques and
Lab Tenure: May 2017-Current
Grad School: (Harvard-expected)
Pomai Yamaguchi (RISE Scholar and SSCL Fellow)
Major: Chem. Engineering (PhD program at Tufts University)
Project: Silica coated nanodiamond and cell labelling
Training: Chemical synthesis, DRIFTS and X-ray absorption
Lab Tenure: May 2017-2018
Tony Tung Nguyen
Major: Chemistry (Pharmacy School)
Project: Photoelectrochemical water splitting (Metal Oxides)
Training: X-ray absorption, materials synthesis and PEC techniques
Lab Tenure: August 2015-2018
Grad School: Pharmacy School
Andres Arreola (McNair and LSAMP Scholar)
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Project: Nitrogen vacancy center diamond
Training: High resolution transmission electron microscopy (The Molecular Foundry)
Lab Tenure: September 2015-2018
Anida Len
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Project: Nitrogen vacancy center diamond
Training: Synthesis and characterization
Lab Tenure: September 2015-2017
Perla Jasmine Sandoval (RISE and MARC Scholar)
Major: Chemistry
Project: Nitrogen vacancy center diamond
Training: Synthesis and ultrafast spectroscopy
Lab Tenure: September 2015-2018
Grad School: UC San Diego
Jesse Hnatek
Major: Chemistry
Project: Nitrogen vacancy center diamond
Training: Air-free synthesis and NMR spectroscopy
Lab Tenure: September 2015-2018
Polo Tran
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Project: Nitrogen vacancy center diamond
Training: Gas-phase chemistry and X-ray spectroscopy
Lab Tenure: September 2015-2017
Michael Leroy
Major: Chemistry, M.S.
Project: IV-VI Semiconductor photophysics and organo-metallic chemistry
Training: Air-free synthesis and X-ray spectroscopy
Lab Tenure: September 2015-2018
Grad School: University of Oregon
Melissa Gonzalez
Major: Chemistry
Project: SiO2 based chemistry
Training: Colliodal chemistry and high resolution scanning electron microscopy
Lab Tenure: September 2015-2017
Grad School: University of Oregon
Trenton Edwards
Major: Industrial Design
Project: Perovskite thin film chemistry for photovoltaics
Training: Thin film deposition and device fabrication
Lab Tenure: September 2016-2017
Alejandro Hernandez
Major: Chemistry
Project: NV Diamond Chemistry
Training: Gas phase chemistry and surface analysis techniques
Lab Tenure: September 2016-2017
Carlos Amaral
Major: Engineering
Project: PbI3 Perovskite thin film
Training: Thin film deposition and surface analysis techniques
Lab Tenure: September 2015-2017
Elena Favre
Major: Biology
Project: NV Diamond Chemistry
Training: Gas phase chemistry and surface analysis techniques
Lab Tenure: September 2015-2017