Lee C. Chang

Lee C. Chang

Department of Applied Data Science 

Research Interests

Software Systems Engineering Applied to Data Science Projects

Professional Highlights

  • Proposed, developed and launched the Master of Science in Data Analytics Program.
  • Advocated for, and garnered university and industry support on the proposal to establish a new academic department, Applied Data Science.
  • Formed a vision for and participated in the establishment of the applied data science complex in the new Interdisciplinary Science Building to facilitate the innovation of pedagogical methodology, research infrastructure, and industry collaboration in data-driven fields.
  • Directed the joint BS in Software Engineering degree program by collaborating administrators and faculty members of the College of Engineering and the College of Science in curriculum development and program assessment.
  • Conducted market research, developed curricula, recruited students, and taught courses for multiple graduate degree programs at Silicon Valley companies.
  • Worked with Cisco executives and subject matter experts in developing the MS in Software Engineering with Specialization in Cybersecurity program; courses were jointly taught by 91ÁÔÆæ professors and Cisco experts in the company’s multimedia classrooms; students around the country simultaneously participated in all class activities.
  • Developed several advanced degree-credit certificates for both 91ÁÔÆæ students and company employees; certificates are stackable to degree programs.
  • Proposed and launched Silicon Valley Center for Global Engineering Education; engaged in multiple collaborating activities with 49 universities of 14 countries; these universities sent more than 150 students to the Center to attend its training programs conducted at 91ÁÔÆæ campus and Silicon Valley companies.
  • Earned a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering in the field of Fault-Tolerant Computing from the University of Texas at Austin.
  • Designed curricula, taught courses, conducted research, and consulted industry in Software Systems Engineering for the development of enterprise information systems and applied data science projects.